
Spring ’23, Blog Assignment #.5

So whenever I am commuting to and from school, or pretty much anywhere. I tend to people watch. Its one of my favorite pastimes. Seeing all the different type of people we have living in densely populated city scape, all trying to exist within their own lane. I like to observe how people especially compose themselves when using public transit. I sometimes take mental photographs of these moments and use them for composites in later art pieces when I am designing. Have it be background work for comix or album art. I feel its important to have such diversity in city scapes when making art, not cause its socially right, but because its accurate. There are so many types of body shapes, heights, hairstyles, clothes, what have you. why make everyone in a composite look similar? Just lazy.

This week I saw and elderly person conversing with these little sparrows that seemingly were following them. Like something out of a movie. As they walked down the street the birds followed them from tree to tree, chirping at them. And when they ran out of trees to hop from. They continued to follow them down on foot down the sidewalk. It was a neat little glimpse of life that would have otherwise dissipated if not witnessed.

Things that I have been working towards that are affirming here in this program is that storytelling matters, bringing in someone on a design through a well constructed story will help the client or viewer emotionally and otherwise financially invest in it. If you don’t tell a story, then there’s not connective tissue between them and the work.


Spring ’23, Blog Assignment #.4

Here is my Moodboard for Pet Cube.

I chose a swatch that would play on a more lighter, bubbly tone rather than the swatch they currently have which is shades of grey and white. I wanted to see if the client would be interested in adding accent colors to their brand identity, nothing loud but something that would stand out from the other products that are in the similar vain jocking for that very flat, monochromatic look that UX lays heavily on.

Also chose some buzzwords and images that center around images of dogs more than people cause that’s really who this product is for. And I think in a social media campaign that would go further showcasing pets clumsily trying to catch treats in the air (which is how this device delivers the treat, by projecting it) than your run of the mill family pics of the dog coexisting with its humans. I did throw a couple lifestyle pics of that as well for good measure.

Fun idea would to have ad reels on their socials of just cutaways of dogs trying to catch the treats coming out of the device and missing. And have the cuts be in slow motion. I think that kind of content is low hanging fruit in terms of engagement and would serve to do the company well in reaching a new audience and could turn into sales.


Spring ’23, Blog Assignment #.3


I have experience in this arena more than the later two. I like it so far versus having a regular job. For one big reason is the level of freedom I have in terms of schedule. Yes, sometimes the work load can be pretty strenuous at times, but the bigger the projects I obtain, the less I have to work later. Leaving me time to spend with my family or personal projects.

Part-time, Contract/Agency

This one seems like a nice answer to those who want to be a freelancer in sorts but don’t want to have the hassle of managing their clientele. They want to have the freedom and focus on just the work without having to have a direct line to a boss. I guess having to give a taste of your earnings sucks, but the agency needs to eat to for their work.


Stable, reliable, predictable in terms of work/life balance. I never cared for it. But for some people this is the best option. Not everyone can govern themselves. People like the idea of having agency, but crumble under the pressure of having to self manage.

Job Postings for Part Time Work:
I put the filters in my search not only part time, but remote and entry level.

Thumbnail Artist (PT, Remote)

Graphic Designer (PT, Remote)

UI / UX, Graphic Artist (PT, Remote)


Spring ’23, Blog Assignment #.2


Spring ’23, Blog Assignment #.1

This is my design for the jersey. I chose to go with something that more represented locality of where the festival takes place. Rather than so much on the festival itself.

The festival tends to to a total rebrand every year, so I wanted a jersey to represent the town, the people, and the microcosm there that is there day in and day out aside from the festival.

I think a lot of show goers tend to look at the Coachella Valley as just a place where the festival takes place. And I think showcasing a similar color swatch to their township flag, the once main export (lemons) all over the garment would represent that the festival is in a actual town, and not just some place that is solely there to host this yet amazing fest, but that has ties to a town that has even deeper ties that is Coachella Valley.


Winter, 2023: Blog Assignment #.9

Who are you?
I am semi successful freelancing chicano designer, accomplishment printmaker, and still have A LOT of room for improvement and A LOT to learn.
What is it that you want to do?
I would like for the most part to stay as a freelancer, doing contract work for others. I like the freedom in it. But having said that, I wouldn’t mind working at a agency for a short time to see how the sausage is made.
Why not? Its what feels right to me at the moment.
Where do you want to go?
I want to live outside the country for a while. More than likely a Spanish speaking country. Experience how other people live and look at design in another part of the world.
What would you want to say?
Age is a construct, money isn’t real, time is fleeting. Get busy living, or get busy dying.


Winter, 2023: Blog Assignment #.8

Well I watched more than five videos from Cut’s YT channel. Then I started to overthink this assignment, hence why I am late on this blog. Came up with a couple scenarios after watching a grip of theirs that I would find would have interesting takes:

Matching “Go To Meals” to the Person
I think this would be pretty funny and fascinating cause we all know people have that one, hastily assembled meal that they definitely made up themselves that they resort to when they want something quick and comforting. Have it be at the end of a long work day, or during a lazy afternoon when you just need something to fill your stomach. I think you would get some funny reactions associating these trash recipes to the person you think they belong to.

Blind Speed Round Judging Design Peer’s Work
This is more geared towards the 5th floor. But I feel it would be interesting to have a person in the class blindly judge a series composites they never seen before from X amount of design peers, and have said associated designer that made those comps see and react to their assessment after. I feel a lot of people in our body obligatorily give praise to peers when they low key aren’t a fan of their work.


Winter, 2023: Blog Assignment #.7

So for my trip I ended up going to that Taco Bell Wedding well after it was had. Wanted to see if it was still there since you can still enter it. There wasn’t too much to seeing the wedding was over, but I figured I can still check out the sites. Meandered around quite a bit around the roads, saw an elephant. Nothing crazy outside of that.

I found a Domino’s Pizza which I legit was curious on if you can order anything from it. There were clerks just standing around and not helping, not much different from a real domino’s. So the realistic experience was good there, ha. Then I found thee Taco Bell the wedding was had. Definitely not your run of the mill TB. It looked like a setup for an awards show.

Found a room that had a dancefloor and a DJ spinning music. The DJ had a giant bell for a head. Reminded me of the Moon Man mascot from McDonalds from back in the day. Also ran into my fellow student Jeff while I was there, we danced a bit with the Taco Bell skinjobs for a bit, then went into this “selfie” room made for the wedding.

This place is something else. Overall I don’t care for this type of tech. I am sure it has a place in society but its just not for me. I guess it works for people who are naturally introverted to congregate outside the realm their usual sectors like video game chats and whatnot. Or an easy way to hang out virtually if you don’t live close to each other. But I can’t see how its practical for a lot of everyday uses. Like paying a bill, or looking up information versus going to a conventional site or platform that has less steps to make a task to complete such errands.

Also, and without getting too in the weeds. If I have exist in a capitalist state where everything I want to do is going to cost money to exist, I rather do it here in reality rather than endure yet another place to have that experience as well. I think thats prob another reason the Metaverse doesn’t appeal to me, is that its marketed toward more consuming, another place to come and consume. Rather than a place to create something outside of that. Anyways, I digress.


Winter, 2023: Blog Assignment #.6

Deliver Quality Work

I feel like I suffered from this on the early onset of my career. I was saying yes to everything that came my way, damn any timeline or budget I said “yes” to it. And the work reflected it. Now I am realize over time that I can say no to things, or negotiate budget or timeline perimeters and more times than not the client will meet you halfway (at least the ones I have haha). Learned by doing that I have more time (thats agreed upon) and budget (thats agreed upon) to produce quality work, when they need it. Hence retaining the client(s).


Winter, 2023: Blog Assignment #.5

Hard Skills I Have

  • Sales
    I feel I always had to sell what I have been doing in design harder than some of my colleagues since time immorial. The illustration style I do, the music I released when i was running a record label was never popular in a way where it just caught on right away. Always had to run uphill on most jobs. So I have to develop my pitch on why a client should choose me early on.
  • Marketing
    I feel like I have a discerning trait when it comes to what clients need rather than what they want. Not on all things (thats why I am here ha) but I can see the writing on the wall more times than not when it comes to what it will take to market a product or campaign.
  • Finance / Accounting
    I am not sure if this skill is pertaining to my own finances. But I have always been pretty smart with what little money I have. I got my first business license and an accountant when I was 18 and running my first business. I know how to stay on budget and work within a budget. especially cause most of the clients I work with as of now have shoestring ones.

Soft Skills I have

  • Willingness to learn
    Its why I am here, when you rest, you rust.
  • Persuasion
    I have a pretty good knack for this. Not the best, but when with a client, or in a team, I can lawyer my way through a decision making process to get either my idea, or a idea for us to go with that I feel strongly about.
  • Creativity
    I have always been creative. I love creating things on my own, or with people. I love just making new things that has a genuine impact on people or a situation. genuinely satisfies my soul to bring new things into the world.

Hard Skills I want

  • UX Design
    I don’t know much about this subject and its always fascinated me that no one can really explain it. I hope to understand it on a base level by the end of the first year, and hopefully be somewhat versed in the subject by the time I am out of here.
  • Business Analysis
    I think from what the articles have said about this subject I think it would be another useful tool in my arsenal when gunning for jobs with any business of any size.

Soft Skills I Want

  • Collaboration
    I would like to learn how to work better with others. I have been freelancing for a while, and its like you’re on a island most times. And the few times I have worked on a team it reminded me of how much you can learn new processes, new ideas, hell… make new connections with good people. I miss that, and I miss working like that.
  • Empathy
    I won’t lie, I have grown pretty cynical. Have it be about late stage capitalism, this country, this world. I am here to unlearn some of that. Cause I feel it has genuinely hampered my creativity and overall lust for life. I want to get some of that feeling of optimism back, that ability to take in peoples stories and feel something.