
AR Project 4

Hello again Stephanie. We meet again.

Our team decided to work on famous or at least well known restaurants in capital hill. Mine was Dicks drive-in. Man, I want to get some fries and a shake right now. But besides that, I slapped together the slides in photoshop because that’s what I am most familiar with. I used mostly jps and pngs along with some text. You’ll get to see the panels and the video of my project in the ZIP file, but for your convenience, I’ll put them down here too. Have a good day!


Aero Greeting Card

The day is 1/26/2023 and I have been assigned to do a greeting or celebration card in Adobe Aero. Honestly, I thought this was going to take more time. Perhaps maybe a day or so? In reality, it only took me maybe an hour. I quickly latched onto this when I was watching the lecture/tutorial in class and it was super fun. Luckily I still remembered it from last week.

Below you should see the video of the project I have done. It is a happy birthday card when you clicked the dinosaur “happy birthday” will pop up. The astronaut is animated when clicked on, and so is the armadillo. In 50cm proximity, the happy birthday text will also spin. Hope you enjoy!


AR App Blog

Hi there. Today I am going to write about the AR app that I was required to do for this week’s homework. I was at first going to do My AR Girlfriend for a joke but my friend suggested Five Nights at Freddy’s Special Delivery which peaked my interest much more. As a person who liked FNAF all my young life, I thought it would be fun to take a peek at and oh boy, what fun I had. It was a genuinely enjoyable experience. It felt like pokemon go but better.

I had issues with the app freezing up on me the first runs but after maybe 4 tries accepting all the privacy stuff, it let me play. I got to shock and collect deadly robots. Who does not like that? It was totally taxing on your phone’s battery because it used location and camera, but if you are just staying in your home playing this game occasionally as a light entertainment snack, it should not be a big problem.

This definitely will be a game that I will revisit on my spare time and keep on my phone until I run out of data or memory. Thanks for reading!


Food Blog Post

I feel like one of those ladies who takes pictures of their food before eating it and then their whole man comes and mashes it up for the funny haha jokes.

(This youtube URL doesn’t work because it’s a Short but if you want to see what I’m talking about, here it is.)

Anyway, jokes aside, I decided to take a picture of my luxurious Ikea meatball plate and edit it in photoshop because it already is delicious in my mouth, so lets make it delicious in our eyes. I have no idea how to color grade or touch up on photography, so I looked up tutorials on how to touch up and edit specifically food in photoshop or in whatever other Adobe products I have been forced to buy because it’s “InDuStrY StANDaRD”. Here is the result of perhaps maybe 2-4 quick YouTube videos. They were not really quick honestly. They rambled on about tools for too long when it’s obvious what they were. Also, if you are an instructor and put up a YouTube tutorial for us students to watch instead of ACTUALLY instructing us, you are a terrible teacher and wastes my entire time spending money on this program when I could just GO ON YOUTUBE FOR FREE.

I think this turned out quite scrumptious looking. The colors pop, there is not weird blips or dips in the food and the depth of field is pretty okay. Listen, I am not in the photography program so if it actually is butt awful, I honestly do not care too much. I personally think it looks really nice. So, yeah. I hope you enjoy it because I know I do. I used the spot healing tool, played with the color graph line hue tool and tried sharpening up, and blurring some edges in photoshop.


QR AR Poster

Hi there. It’s me, Jamie. You’re probably wondering what got you in this situation right now. Well, you wanted me to make a blog assignment about this assignment, so here I am. I came up with my idea from a video game that I really like that is called Ready Or Not. It is a realistic game where you play as a SWAT officer.

I used After Effects for this project. Honestly wanted to go with Premier Pro for this but I did not see a difference in using either or, just some techniques and shortcuts are not there for the vise versa programing. Anyway, only big problems that I have ran into this project for is finding the right clips and audio for this trailer. I had to mash together a bunch of game footage and find vocals only of Marilyn Manson singing Sweet Dreams. Perhaps also my terrible organization in AE. But, I still managed to get through this project. It was pretty fun. Thanks!


When Worlds Collide

The day is 11/10/22. This is for the blog assignment on the 12th. Happy veterans day! Anyway. This week’s blog is about what it is like about my exposure to one another’s programs/worlds. I am assuming this means the photography students, the graphic design students, all the instructors and their different backgrounds, and the lovely guest speakers coming in on Fridays. (Let me tell you something, AJ and Wizards of the Coast keeps popping up wherever I go. I saw them on the news, I saw them on my job feed, I keep seeing them! Maybe it is a sign that I should go apply…) It has been a thrill. I love meeting new people who might have different likes or creative passions than me but we all have one thing in common that combines us all. That is, being completely stressed out and terribly overworked. No I am just kidding. What REALLY connects us together is being creative souls. We all share a passion for making things look pretty together. What I did not expect is all the pain and suffering along the way when it comes to birthing a creative love child with other people. I guess it really does take a village to raise a child, huh? Anyway, In the future when eventually and hopefully I get a creative job working as a creative mind, this discovery will help me approach other’s in a very chill and relaxed way. I am sure no one goes to work just dying to ONLY work, right? (If you do, I think you need to get out more. Live life! You only have a limited time on this world anyway.) Making connections is a really great way to enjoy yourself and the work surrounding you. You will have to work with those people eventually in your career so let us make it an enjoyable experience by ensuring the bonds with our team members is strong. I think having work buddies inside and outside of class is essential to not breaking down and crying due to the stress. Having someone to relate to the work you are doing is SO relieving. I am sure we all had those awkward experiences trying to make something together with someone who is not compliant or “shy” about their work or interacting with other people. Like excuse me, you are a human. We are a human. You will be SURROUNDED by humans. Get used to them! Team is a TEAM for a reason. Work together, damn it! Nothing gets my blood boiling than someone who is not “feeling it” and will not pull their weight. Besides that, yeah. I believe making connections and ensuring that you enjoy working with the people around you regardless of their career or specialty is important. Make friends! I strive to live by the “work hard, play harder” approach. Of course do not get distracted by your friends. Good friends will tell you when you are slacking off. Those are the best kinds. The ones who are not afraid to give you the hard, cold, and very honest truth.


Amazon Blog

The three big leadership principals that I want to adoptIis Thinking Big, Customer Obsession, and Delivering Results. I already preform Customer Obsession and Delivering Results in my current side hussle which is drawing commissions for people on Etsy. I always put the customer first because they are legit paying me for a finished project and that leads into results. Customer obsession and results lead me to getting good money and good reputation. But unfortunately, due to drawing what people specifically want to see I can’t expand my mind and imagination. So, perhaps I shall try to think big soon and close commissions so I can focus on expanding my creative mind.


Blog Assignment 2: Electric Boogaloo

The day is Oct 18 2022. The very cool guest speaker Joe and friends spoke about their experience in microsoft and the various spectrums of work that might happen in the company. The current spectrums  I aspire to do for professional work are not a lot. For me, my spectrums are not as broad as the chart that was shown. I hope to narrow it down to the “Broad Audience/High Information Density” spectrum. Perhaps entering the world of video games and creative media. (Maybe for example: concept art, art director, videos for entertainment, independent content creator, ect.) Before I wanted to get into video games, my dream job was to be an animator. I gave it a try and realized I was underpaid and undervalued. I really hated it. So, I hope when entering video games or the entertainment field, I will explore a much more explorative and enjoyable creative experience in my professional career. The pros and negatives I would imagine to this Broad Audience/High Information Density spectrum would be the market. I would not imagine the market to be as large as an informational site or search engine like Google. Many more users would be using Google than playing a video game. Not everyone has the time to play video games which leads to a smaller percent of people using said media. Honestly I only got the time to play video games because of the pandemic. Even so, I do not imagine it to be very profitable. Then again, I have no idea how the video game industry works, but it seems to be much more complicated and detailed than it is on the surface. I believe it would be cool to flex on people that you were one of the people who worked on their beloved childhood game. I keep looking online for graphic design jobs and they are always wanting graphic designers to do hard work and work well as a team. I think I can do that pretty well honestly and would enjoy my time working in a creative team to do creative work in the industry. I always hope to challenge myself in more ways I would never expect my life to go.


Blog Assignment: Tosolini Mashup!

I am writing this on October 10. This is October 7ths blog assignment for the New Media class. I have decided to make this a light and fun assignment for me to do while I manage my time. Class has been all good, except for Erik’s Interactive. No offence to Erik, it’s just that coding isn’t really an enjoyable thing for me. I’ve forced myself to learn it in 2017 and hated it ever since…but enough of that. Let’s talk about the homework which was the mashup piece.

I used a combination of digital art, animation and a bit of audio/video to make my final product. It is a video of an animation of the art I traced, then I pieced together from a meme. Confusing? Here. Let me try to make it easier.

Meme -> I traced the meme and pieced it to be ready for animation -> I put it into AE to animate it -> I added audio -> I exported it as a video.

I hope that makes sense. I this piece sums up how I feel for the whole course from my experience right now. I’m enjoying it so far. The homework isn’t unreasonable and the deadlines are set with a ton of time in-between but woo boy; coding. There wasn’t a whole lot of set backs besides my own laziness, but thankfully I managed to pull through before it was due. Yippee!

Below you’ll see what I’ve done. I hope you enjoy it, dear reader.


Hello world!

Welcome to New Media . This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!