
Cosmic Attractors

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Nature Blog

Growing up, there was always imagery of the sun and moon embracing each other in my home. And the same imagery could always be found in the homes of my extended family. And when my family would go home from a family party at night, I would look up at the stars and pretend they were following me. Something about the celestial world visible to us has always caught my eye.
The intricate and colorful designs found in traditional Mexican folk art, such as the vibrant papel picado or the whimsical alebrijes, celebrate the cosmic elements of the sun and the moon in a unique and captivating way. Growing up I didn’t realize that the colorful imagery of the cosmic world was specific to us. And as I get older and learn more about my culture, the more I appreciate that I have always been surrounded by this art.
The bold and intricate patterns, the vivid color palettes, and the symbolic representations found in Mexican folk art have a profound impact on my artistic expression. They infuse my work with a sense of cultural richness, connecting me to the timeless wisdom and traditions of Mexican artisans. The amalgamation of celestial inspiration and Mexican folk art serves as a powerful catalyst, igniting my imagination and allowing me to create art that resonates deeply with my own cultural identity while transcending boundaries of time and space.

Right now, I am actually working on a taro deck that is very much inspired by mexican fold art! I am excited to show it to everyone once it is done over the summer!


Blog 3

A freelance job is a form of self-employment where an individual works independently and is not bound to any particular employer. Freelancers are usually hired on a project-by-project basis and have the flexibility to choose the projects they work on. They have the freedom to work from any location and set their own work hours.

One of the biggest advantages of freelance jobs is the flexibility they offer. Freelancers have the ability to create their own schedules and work around other commitments. They also have the opportunity to choose their clients and work on projects that align with their interests and skills. However, freelance jobs can also be unstable, with no guaranteed income and no benefits like health insurance or retirement plans.

Part-time jobs are typically defined as jobs that require less than 40 hours of work per week. Part-time jobs offer more flexibility than full-time jobs, allowing individuals to work around other commitments such as education or family responsibilities. However, part-time jobs typically offer lower pay than full-time jobs and do not offer the same benefits.

Contract or agency jobs are temporary positions that are usually set for a specific period of time. These jobs are often used to fill a gap in the workforce or to complete a specific project. Contract or agency jobs typically offer a higher rate of pay than full-time or part-time jobs, but they also come with less job security and no guarantee of future work.

Full-time jobs are typically defined as jobs that require 40 hours of work per week. Full-time jobs offer more stability and benefits than other types of jobs. Full-time employees usually receive benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. However, full-time jobs can also be inflexible and require employees to work a set schedule.

If I were to choose a job type that suits me best, I would prefer freelance work. The flexibility it offers is a huge advantage for me since I value having control over my work schedule and being able to work on projects that interest me. Being a freelancer means that I can work from anywhere and set my own hours, which allows me to balance work with other commitments. Moreover, I have the opportunity to choose the clients and projects that align with my interests and skills, making my work more fulfilling. However, it is important to keep in mind that freelance work can be unpredictable, and I may need to continuously search for new clients and projects to maintain a steady income.,-Part-Time,-South-Lake-Union-West-Elm/-in-Seattle,WA?jid=2ed03525676ff848&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic


Blog 1

In my version of their jersey, I am staying true to their color palette while still attempting to relate to coachella. They have a lot of photos of clear skies on their site so I went with the baby blue as the background. And since they also show starry skies in their photos, I wanted to incorporate a star element to it.

Blog 9

Who are you?

I am Pao, a student who is constantly learning and growing.
What is it that you want to do?

I want to learn about graphic design and expand my skillset so that I can have a stable career and live in my own apartment.


I need to learn in a way that is structured because I cannot motivate myself without the pressure. I am also not a fan of living with other people.

Where do you want to go?

After this, I honestly have no idea. I am not a big planner in term of my career. I just hope I do not get bored.

What would you want to say?

I am happy to be here but at the same time I am not sure what I am hoping to get out of this besides a certificate and experience.


Blog 6

The even I attended was called “The official public opening of Meta Residence Tower – first in the Metaverse skyscraper with 10.000 NFT apartments”.

The only thing that worked well was that at the beginning there was a guided tutorial about how to navigate the metaverse. Besides that, nothing stood out to me. In other words, there is nothing extraordinary about this. The residence tower simply looked like a upscale apartment building. This is not something that interests me at all and that will likely not change. It is simply boring. As an advertisement tool, perhaps it can be valuable if your specific market is people who invest in NFT’s. However, for the average person promoting their business or work, there are much more widespread ways to achieve this. As an entertainment tool, it is no more entertaining than games like Roblox or Minecraft.


Blog 3/10

Prompt: Use one word to describe your average day at Seattle Central’s Creative Academy.

This prompt could give us a glimpse into everyone’s feelings about this place. Depending on the word, it can either be clear or vague what that sentiment is. This allows everyone who participates to have control about how much they want to reveal about their experience here. Furthermore, it would allow students as well as a faculty to participate. In this scenario, I think the amount of participants could be narrowed down to the faculty or students of the creative academy. I am not sure how many people total this would involve but I am assuming there is about 100 of us total and from there it depends on how many people would be interested in participating. The total video length would probably be less than 10minutes.


Winter Blog #6

Create and Foster Trust (with the client):

Last summer, I was working at a retail store located inside of a mall. And due to constant use of illegal substances in the bathroom, the store decided it would no longer have a public unlocked bathroom. We were told to refer to people to the next closest bathroom which was in the food court. As the cashier, I was only allowed to let people into the restroom if they had just paid for something or if I had noticed them browsing through the store. But we were not allowed to let people in who had immediately came in and asked to use the bathroom. And we were especially not allowed to give the code to anybody, we had to personally let them into the restroom. These rules were a tad strict but when someone did use substances in the bathroom, it would make the whole bathroom smell terrible and we would have to close it to everyone until it was cleaned. Sometimes this would take hours depending on the damage done so it was easier to only allow paying customers or people who are clearly shopping into the bathroom. One day, I was working at the register closest to the mall entrance and I noticed a women come in and head straight to the bathroom. Like I stated, it was locked so she came back to ask me for the pin code. It was busy and I also did not want to be rude so I asked if she had a receipt. She said no and I said that I was sorry but that I was only allowed to let customers into the bathroom. She immediately got very defensive and started saying she had just shopped with us last week. She said she was a high paying customer and did not understand why I was ostracizing her. I told her we changed our policies and no longer have a public restroom but that there was one in the food court. She then asked me why there were girls standing outside the restroom, I told her I did not give them the code to the restroom. She did not believe me. I explained we are not allowed to give the code out and have to personally let everyone in ourselves. She did not believe me and asked to speak to my manager. My manager eventually came over and gently told her the same things I had already told her. My manager did not let her into the restroom either. As she walked out she told me that “my manager is going to tell me how to do my job right.” My manager came over briefly after and teased me about it but ultimately did not care since I was just following our policies. Sometimes I look back at this and wonder if I could have worded things differently. Perhaps I should have been more direct and specify I saw her dart to the bathroom and for that reason alone I was not allowed to give her the code. Or perhaps she was already having a bad day and needed to release it in some way. This is one of the most recent times a customer did just not believe anything I said until they heard it confirmed from someone else.


Blog 5

Top 3 Hard Skils

1. BilingualI am fluent in both English and Spanish. In my current workplace, speaking Spanish is useful when talking to clients or coworkers who primarily speak Spanish. It is the 2nd most spoken language in the U.S and is definitely useful to know.

2. Microsoft OfficeWe were required to take a Microsoft office course in high school and it has been immensely useful in office workplace settings. Currently, I primarily use excel but still feel familiar with the other programs.

3. WritingTo be honest, I am not sure how many papers I have written over the past few years. But I do know I spent most of my time at the University of Washington writing analysis or research papers. Formal academic writing is something that I feel confident about and can show examples of.

Top 3 Soft Skills

1. CommunicationThough I have had a variety of jobs, they all revolve around customer service. My jobs are all about providing a service and being kind even when it feels nearly impossible to do so.

2. Collaboration Understanding the way other people work and figuring out how I fit into that has been a journey. Focusing on the end result is often more beneficial than avoiding working with others.

3. Punctuality I am never late to work and schedule time off weeks in advance. I will call out perhaps once or twice a year if I am particularly sick but will otherwise be reliable.

2 Hard Skills to Improve

1. Adobe Creative SuiteThough I feel like I have learned so much about the adobe programs, I still have so much room for growth.

2. HTML/CSSLearning about html and css has been so tedious yet satisfying at the same time. The projects we work on have been my favorite part of this program.

2 Soft Skills to Improve

1. Public-speakingPublic speaking is not intimidating to me, but it is something I want to improve at. I am naturally a soft spoken person and do not always notice if I need to be louder unless being told.

2. OrganizationI wish I was organized to the point of being able to work on assignments a few days before they are due. I can mostly manage to finish an assignment the day before it is due, but it can be so draining at times.


Blog 4

Hi my name is Paola and I am a graphic design student at Seattle Central. I have always been a creative leaning person and after spending the last few years working from job to job, getting bored after the 6 month mark, I finally decided to turn that passion for creation into a career. I feel like I have already learned so much in such a short amount of time and I am excited to keep growing in this field. I cannot upload the video at this time but I will try again later today.