
Blog Assignment 8

Product Heading: The product that I’m proudly about to present is “Pininfarina Sintesi Hybrid Smartwatch” catered towards middle young aged people.

Sub-Heading: The “Pininfarina Sintesi Hybrid Smartwatch” is a watch in android market place that is supposed to be for people who want watches for timers.

Summary: The “Pininfarina Sintesi Hybrid Smartwatch” is supposed to help those who either want to spend less time using their phones when it comes to setting timers or even taking breaks from it, in a way this could benefit that by replacing the phones with smartwatches.

Problem: The Hybrid Smartwatch pretty much solves the phone screen usage time, because on the watch if you set a timer on there, it can beep and let you know when the timer is up, instead of using the phone screen, just check your wrist.

Solution: The Smartwatch can replace the phone in an easy way.

Quote: “This the best product smartwatch I’ve ever had, come and get it!”

How to get started: Figure out which wrist the smartwatch is comfortable to fit on, and from there, set the settings you want it to be and go from there.

Customer Quote: “Best watch ever!”

Closing & Call In Action: Buy the watch today! and starting putting it into good use and say goodbye to your phone timer. And counter your phone addiction too!


Blog Assignment #7


Blog Assignment 5

The plan of this motion is to create a nice flow of a stream of Canned soda water, (Don’t worry not much was wasted because I drank the rest of it).

But what could’ve worked better was pouring into a glass, however I learned overall that soda water stream is satisfying to look at in slow motion.


Blog Assignment 4

For the Big Bang buck event, there should be a lot of pop culture event type stuff, including fun theatre plays as well for people to watch. I genuinely think that it could be a two sided event, due to it having a lot of potential.

Another thing to add, is that it has a lot of good activity when it comes to theatre plays and pop culture and I think it this could appeal to the younger audience, timeline could be Feb 5th, budget would be 30,000 grand. And lastly, the people size could be around 500.

So I generally think, if Seattle Creative Academy does this event for Big Bang buck. This is are the two events that could suit for it.


Blog Assignment 3


Elevator Pitch


Skateboard Design Blog Assignment


Blog Assignment #9

In today’s word, there always & it is been like that since the birth of the universe, a load & LOAD of problems, problems that have been solved and problems that have YET to be solved. For an example, there has been this one big problem that no one has looked into, which is called. Toxic food chemicals, which is dangerously a problem for human bodies.

But the solution invention that I’ve created, it’s called “Food Chemical Clean”. It’s a Food Clean invention that washes off the chemicals from food and ensuring that there will not be any poisoning in human bodies or any kind in that matter.

The one thing that this invention is out of all inventions, is the ability to customize it in a way of how you want to clean out the food chemicals, so in a way, this is a way to ensure AI isn’t doing all the work, your still as a human doing the work.

So that’s pretty much how the invention goes.


Blog Assignment #8


Blog Assignment #7

While researching effects used in tv shows and movies, there is one movie that catches my eye when it comes to special effects.  

That movie is called “Interstellar”. There were about 850 effects being used, however two caught my eye, that being the “Robot” & “Water” effects. “The robots TARS and Case were inspired by modern art, specifically minimalist sculptures from the post-war era” & “The visual effects team built a water rig attached to a quad bike that could be driven through the water to create interactive splashing.”  

With these effects, to recreate them. You’d probably and most likely need green screens and aftereffects adobe to make these two effects. Plus, these required a lot of time and effort to be put in the movie.  

But overall, two effects are the ones that I like the most because the more I analyze them, the more vibes I get from them. Those vibes being that they could be a key to storytelling a conflict or climax in a storyboard, and by them storytelling a conflict or climax, the more it tells us about problems that the world is currently facing and it pretty much sends us a secret message about needing to change our ways and making sure that we provide a healthier amount of choices and decisions we make.  

If it were me, I’d try to and recreate a similar, but my own way of the robot and water effects in my own movies. But I’d make sure to provide a good amount of effort in a way where the effects tell a good story behind them, to provide ideas and execute them properly.  

Lastly, Interstellar is my favorite movie of all time. And it is one if not, are my biggest inspiration for choosing these special effects too.