
extra monies

this weeks blog post is finding and choosing an organization to donate an imaginary $25,000 to. easy, i choose new beginnings.

new beginnings is a nonprofit organization that offers support and resources to people suffering from domestic violence.

here’s a quote from their “about us” section on the official website:
“New Beginnings is a member of the National and Washington State Coalitions Against Domestic Violence and the Coalition Ending Gender Based Violence. New Beginnings is also a member of the Seattle/King County Coalition for the Homeless, Seattle Human Services Coalition and is a United Way member agency.

i chose new beginnings because it’s an organization that i called for myself in 2019 and an organization that i called for my friend in 2022 and again just a few weeks ago.

there are a lot of other domestic violence organizations in washington state but i chose this specific one is because it’s one of the top results when searching for support in seattle and time to even search for help is so fleeting in these types of crises. it’s also usually the first organization or crisis number given to you when you’re reaching out for support elsewhere. we have to make sure victims aren’t turned away because there isn’t enough money to get them to safety!!!!!

they provide so much necessary support and resources for victims. advocates will find new and affordable housing for survivors or they will welcome them into one of new beginnings short-term residential homes before finding them their own housing. they help survivors with living costs and rent, childcare, legal aid, therapy. they also provide victims with emergency hotel stays for their safety when necessary.

something i just learned after reading through their site is that they also give direct financial assistance to survivors. it’s important to give survivors their autonomy back, financial abuse is so often forgotten about. anything to make survivors and victims of abuse feel safe and secure, i’m all about.


its ruff out here

a moodboard blog assignment

cue: my little moodboard for a 32oz stanley dog bowl.

here’s the thing, i am not a stanley girl. i could sit here and tell you about my opinions on american consumerism and the overconsumption of shit we don’t need but one thing i’m not is a hypocrite who lacks self-awareness. yeah, maybe the rise of stanley culture on instagram has contributed to mass overconsumption but do you know how many non-stanley brand reusable bottles i have??? definitely more than one! who am i to say that having multiple reusable bottles is any different than having multiple stanley mugs just because they’re not from multi-million dollar corporations?

what can i say? i love having new surfaces to showcase my stickers. i’ve fallen victim to capitalist america, too. by buying more things, i can showcase my individuality with new stickers.

what would it take for me to purchase, or at a minimum, get on board with purchasing a 32oz stanley dog bowl despite probably already having numerous local and small batch ceramic dog bowls?? well i’d need to be a dog owner. i’d also have to get a dopamine rush from the cute little branding, i’m a sucker for that. perhaps a sandy liang collab moment.

if i had a dog, i’d coordinate our outfits and i’d overspend my money. so what did i do? naturally, i turned to little beast, the cutest dog sweater brand online, for inpsiration. who, by the way, has collaborated with sandy liang.

here’s a moodboard breakdown:

i aspire to be this person. i aspire to have less things and more open space. a clean kitchen. space for a plate on my dining table. a moka pot, a bink water bottle (i already have one). a fancy lamp. maybe, by buying a 32oz stanley dog bowl, i can slowly become her.

a girl who matches her cute quirky colorful socks with her sweet rescue dog.

a girl who will buy something simply for the packaging. okay, this is juice packaging, so what? i just bought a pair of pants in the color blueberry. this is right up my alley. i would love a 32oz stanley dog bowl in the color tomato. are you kidding?

last one. a sweet little dog illustration. tug at the heartstrings of millennials.


design systems

week 1 quarter 3

for this weeks blog assignment, i visited fluent, adobe spectrum and the guardian.

fluent had such a sweet design, obviously focused on depth and motion. i really appreciated the gentleness of their colors and the easy and clear navigation.

adobe spectrum
adobe spectrum looked like literally all the other adobe programs that exist, so much so that i wasn’t sure if i accidentally opened my creative cloud app or not. we love consistency. good for them.

the guardian digital design style guide
the guardian digital is so recognizable (love that for them), it used their distinctive typography + color palette and was a lot more interactive and visually interesting than the other sites, but hey, they have a different purpose. they have a design that, if you were in a rush and knew what you wanted to find, could be frustrating to navigate. but its fun and engaging! i actually went through the entire site and it didn’t feel like homework!