

when i first read the blog assignment for this week, i thought “oh that’s easy, tokyo. always tokyo.” because i grew up there. there’s a lot about the lifestyle that i already understand, and i thought the idea of living in my grandparents home and fixing it up while i work in the city as an artist sounded nice. alternatively though, i think i’d probably equally enjoy and actually consider moving to london for creative work.

there’s not a lot i know about the city other than what i see on love island uk, skins uk (tumblr era, iykyk) and chicken shop date, which probably aren’t fair assessments of what life is really like there.

when i was younger, i would pretend my sketchbook was my very own magazine. i’ve always dreamt of working for one (i romanticize having andy’s job at vogue in the devil wears prada, which was not the point of the movie) so that’s what first comes to mind.

i love dazed, i’d apply there, and probably nowhere else.

london is fast-paced, the people are witty and it rains a lot. i’d love to live there.


weekly schedule

10:45am: woke up (slept in for the first time in a while)
12pm-6:15pm: worked at my second job
6:30pm: got home and started getting ready for a halloween party
7pm-8pm: commuted to my friends house
8pm-midnight: halloween ! party ! met a second-year student who gave me a lot of encouragement and advice

10am: went to vivace to get homework done for history (psychedelic art movement)
12pm-5pm: worked at my second job
5:30pm: went back to vivace, stayed till closing to finish psychedelic art research for the following day
7:3opm: went to safeway because the deli has really good nashville hot chicken strips and i am a big fan of them
8pm: got home, finished project for illustrator
10pm: went to bed early(ish)

8am-9am: worked on project 1 for history before class, printed logos for illustrator project 1
noon: went on a walk for some fresh air during lunch (and got a lil slice of pizza)
noon-2pm: worked on group project, brainstormed together for ways to best organize and present our research. marc helped me find a very large notepad
3pm-4pm: therapy !
4:30pm-6pm: finished orders for my tiny business
6pm-rest of the night: ate dinner, washed my hair and fell asleep

8am: accidentally slept through my alarm, left my apartment late and for some reason still decided to get coffee before heading to campus
8:55am: got to class on time (pushed my luck here)
9am-10am: illustrator project 1 critique
10am-lunch: tried to follow along in class but fell a little behind
noon-2pm: worked on project 2, found an image to illustrate and made various greyscales to help with sketching
2pm-3pm: commuted to work
3pm-8:30pm: worked and closed the cafe/bar!
8:30pm-9pm: commuted home
9pm-midnight: washed the dishes at home, made dinner, showered, worked on sketches for logo (design class following day) until i fell asleep

8am: got to class early, worked more on sketches because i hated everything from the night before
9am-2pm: worked in pairs to get feedback, got lots of great feedback and ideas, spent the rest of the class sketching
2pm-3pm: commuted to work
3pm-8:30pm: worked and closed cafe/bar
8:30pm-10pm: stayed at the cafe/bar after closing and worked on html for thursday class
10pm: picked up dinner and commuted home
10pm-midnight: it’s a blur, i was very tired and sad because i was so tired

7am: woke up later than i hoped
7:45am: commuted to the hill, picked up coffee
8:40am: got to class, erik helped me with my code and explained how i could have the photos change by hovering over them (through photoshop tricks!)
9am-noon: panicked
noon-2pm: moved to the front of the class, got extra support and feedback and left feeling more capable of finishing the yale website assignment
2pm-3pm: commuted home to feed my cat rosie and picked her up to hold her against her will because i missed her all day
3pm-3:20pm: panic commuted to work, got to work late
3:20pm-8:30pm: worked, closed the bar/cafe
8:30pm-9pm: went back to the hill to drop off an order to a custie for my tiny business
9pm-9:20pm: commuted back home
9:20pm-midnight: showered, ate dinner, rearranged altar, drew a little in procreate for self-care


pumpkin roadblock

alyssa guzman


01 poster

blog assignment 1 — new media

alyssa guzman

elohim אלהים — refers to the monotheistic creator god, or to the god of israel, yahweh

i had never heard of elohim prior to this assignment so my process began with learning about her. she’s an electropop artist, dj and song-writer based in LA. she started playing the piano and making music at age 5. suffering from severe anxiety, she turned to music for grounding. she says the name elohim, which one of the hebrew names for god, brought her strength and moved her in a profound way.

her instagram, music videos and website (merch site too) provided a lot of inspiration. everything is black with white lettering and eyes are everywhere. google says ‘elohim’ can also mean ‘deity’, so i looked at ancient art of deities, particularly their eyes. i wanted everything to look electronic and glitchy but with intention, since elohim is godly.

created on procreate.