
Blog Assignment #5

So I am in the design program. And these module classes we are taking on Friday’s so far have been a nice cross-pollinating of sorts for us. Its interesting to see how design means a lot more than you think when it comes to real world industries. So far I have only finished one module course, which was the film narrating class with Vanessa Williams. That course was interesting cause I don’t have a lot of experience with film editing in its most fundamental form. But also seeing how certain camera angles, how certain lighting, how audio being spilled over the next cut or dropped can really push a story forward with little to no dialog.

I come from traditionally a illustrative background. Its what I gravitated to the most when I was a kid, and the same when I ventured into my career. I don’t think I will ever stray completely away from that kind of work. But I always had a fascination on film making, and visual effects in movies and shows. I still don’t think I will ever fully go in that route in terms of work. But then again I entered this program knowing fully that we were going to be learning multiple disciplines in terms of “design” and that I didn’t want to be closed off to other career paths that don’t have to do with illustration. For example I could see myself in going into web design just as much as I can go into doing logo work for some agency. But as far as film making for after effects. If I had to choose which one direction from my two module classes (which we JUST started the second so I have no real bearing on what its about yet) it would prob be film narrating cause there is story boarding involved. And I have done that kind of work for a friends pet project once. And from what I remember, I liked it.

I don’t see myself going into the film industry looking for work. But one of my favorite artists working right now is Barry Jackson. And he went from concept drawing for books and doing movie poster work to working in the film industry doing story boarding and environmental landscapes for animations, as well as character design. So maybe I could land there? I honestly I don’t know where I will land. That’s what making this whole school experience for me exciting. The not knowing is what is keeping me excited about all these courses. I can say as of right now that I already had a healthy respect for people who do film editing, since really thats the make or break of a good film. Not so much the initial shooting and all that (even though thats important as well). Cause whichever way you cut a scene or a movie can dramatically change the mood, story, overall feel of a movie. I came out of that last class with a even bigger sense of respect for people who do that kid work. Especially for people like Vanessa who do trailers, that seems even more difficult. To reduce a whole project in a bit size trailer, not give too much away, but tell enough of the story to entice the viewer to check it out. Very nuanced.


Blog Assignment #4


I had a client that is pretty notable graph/muralist from Seattle come to me as a referral from a mutual friend to help them with their merch/design logitistics. He had expressed that a couple other print shops burned him in the past with things that shouldn’t of been looked over (color matching off, bad impression/pick up traces on merch, merch count off, etc). And it was not a difficult road to get to a place where I earned his trust on handling his print work. But it was a long one. Now he just sends me his art, and I prep it and make adjustments to it to make for a better print, most decisions in that part of the process I don’t have to relay to him cause we are at that level now that I know what will work and not work for him.

Insist on the Highest Standards

So this is pretty much been a hindrance on why I don’t get consistent, easy work. Cause I just won’t “throw stuff together” for a client. Even if they are telling me to do it I find it hard to let go of things in a project that I know that can be improved. Like to a fault. I have found myself garnering a smaller clientele over the years that keep coming back to me cause they know when I hand over deliverables, they are going to be on time and they are coming correct. Cause at the end of the day my name is attached to it. Who knows who’s going to see anything I touched in the wild. Not worth the risk.


Story of my life. I HATE spending money when I don’t have to. And the same for anyone I work with. If I can find a way to shave off costs where its a waste of budget I am going to bring it up. I think there is a different between paying for things and labour for a fair price. But paying for something that is not creating any meaningful impact on something, it needs to go.

Learn and Be Curious

This one has been hard for me over the last few years. It wasn’t until this year where I took a hard look at myself and reflected on where I was at in my life, and what I really wanted to do with myself. And I realized when it has come to design, drawing, and the tchnology and techniques evolving around that currently I have been pretty shut off from that. A lot of that from my own doing. I mean, thats why I am here, to unlearn that type of thinking and to learn more about the things I want to aspire to. Not sit on the sidelines and watch “what could’ve of been” pass me by.