
Spring ’23, Blog Assignment #.4

Here is my Moodboard for Pet Cube.

I chose a swatch that would play on a more lighter, bubbly tone rather than the swatch they currently have which is shades of grey and white. I wanted to see if the client would be interested in adding accent colors to their brand identity, nothing loud but something that would stand out from the other products that are in the similar vain jocking for that very flat, monochromatic look that UX lays heavily on.

Also chose some buzzwords and images that center around images of dogs more than people cause that’s really who this product is for. And I think in a social media campaign that would go further showcasing pets clumsily trying to catch treats in the air (which is how this device delivers the treat, by projecting it) than your run of the mill family pics of the dog coexisting with its humans. I did throw a couple lifestyle pics of that as well for good measure.

Fun idea would to have ad reels on their socials of just cutaways of dogs trying to catch the treats coming out of the device and missing. And have the cuts be in slow motion. I think that kind of content is low hanging fruit in terms of engagement and would serve to do the company well in reaching a new audience and could turn into sales.

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