
Spring ’23, Blog Assignment #.5

So whenever I am commuting to and from school, or pretty much anywhere. I tend to people watch. Its one of my favorite pastimes. Seeing all the different type of people we have living in densely populated city scape, all trying to exist within their own lane. I like to observe how people especially compose themselves when using public transit. I sometimes take mental photographs of these moments and use them for composites in later art pieces when I am designing. Have it be background work for comix or album art. I feel its important to have such diversity in city scapes when making art, not cause its socially right, but because its accurate. There are so many types of body shapes, heights, hairstyles, clothes, what have you. why make everyone in a composite look similar? Just lazy.

This week I saw and elderly person conversing with these little sparrows that seemingly were following them. Like something out of a movie. As they walked down the street the birds followed them from tree to tree, chirping at them. And when they ran out of trees to hop from. They continued to follow them down on foot down the sidewalk. It was a neat little glimpse of life that would have otherwise dissipated if not witnessed.

Things that I have been working towards that are affirming here in this program is that storytelling matters, bringing in someone on a design through a well constructed story will help the client or viewer emotionally and otherwise financially invest in it. If you don’t tell a story, then there’s not connective tissue between them and the work.