I can’t you why or how my brain processes things. But when you gave the initial walk through on how to use Aero and I saw the box in the example, my mind went directly to this scene. I believe we talked about it already.
The reference of my AR card is to the movie Se7en with Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, and in the movie, the late Gwyneth Paltrow. The scene takes place in the last act of the film when the killer (Kevin Spacey) takes the two detectives to a remote part in the high desert area to reveal the last in his seven murders. As they approach the location, a delivery drunk is pummeling towards them. Delivery driver pulls out a box when he stops in front of them, tells them he was pay $500 to deliver this package here at this time by a unknown source.
As Morgan Freeman’s character is approaching the package with hesitancy, Spacey’s character is rambling about wanting to imitate what it was like to live a normal life, but turns out what hes talking about is Brad Pitts wife he was simulating this with. The story ends with him saying she was “unwilling to go along with his simulation and had to well..” It was all a plan to get Pitt to resign to his initial reaction, and kill him. Making him the seventh victim. Needless to say it worked. His wife’s head was in the box, shoring up the reaction spacey wanted from pitt to commit the final act.
The movie is perfect.
Problem I had with this project, as you well know by now. Is that I couldn’t put the sound to it like I had planned. I wanted to put audio from that scene on the card. Maybe starting as soon as it loads or when the viewer comes into proximity to the AR assets. Even after me and you tried to work on the file, and make a new file. The sound would not stick to the file. Maybe cause its still beta. No idea.
I still have tap action on it, as well as some movie to the assets like the box, the severed head and whatnot. I hope that was enough actions to make grade.