New Media

Blog Assignment #3

In this week’s Blog Assignment, we are being tasked to write about our own life experiences, and decisions in which we said yes to an opportunity even though we were not quite prepared to step up to the challenge. In my career thus far I have done a decent job at not overloading my plate, except once. That one time was actually pretty recently, I was offered a job as a Graphic Designer for Highline Heritage Museum. I was so extremely excited when I got the offer, I did say to them that I would need some time to think about it, that was just me playing hard to get. I said yes probably within the next 48 hours and finished all the paperwork necessary to begin. Got my first few jobs for the museum and away I went… crashing into the ground. I have very little knowledge of this museum, I am getting some direction but they trusted my creative vision so I was sitting staring at my screen for what felt like hours. Thought it might just be a small creative block and it would be fine after a day or two. Well a day or two turned into weeks, turned into months and I had not delivered anything they would have used. I felt so ashamed and disappointed in myself. I was working 6 days a week, every week, as a barista for two high volume coffee shops. I tried to use that one day off to design but then realized I needed to use that day to do actual human adult tasks. Clean my apartment, buy groceries, drink water, socialize, the list goes on and on. I soon found myself extremely burnt out and no longer enjoying myself. The only thing I could do was turn in my resignation, I was so scared to do so, I felt like if I did this I do not know when my next opportunity will come. Thankfully I got a lovely email from Seattle Central Creative Academy congratulating me on getting accepted into the Graphic Design Program. Told them I would no longer have time to work for them, which was true, but in reality I could not work for them with my current work schedule. In hindsight I wish I would have considered taking down some hours at my two jobs to spend more time on that opportunity but my hope now is that this program will be the thing that opens all the doors into the design world.

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