New Media

Winter Blog 3

In this week’s blog assignment we are being tasked to talk about a personal project we could work on while at Seattle Central Creative Academy. This blog comes at a perfect time because I have been considering doing this project for myself for sometime and having to describe a timeline and process of this project will get the ball rolling for me. 

The project I have decided to work on while at SCCA is creating my personal design website. I am currently using SquareSpace to do this for me and while it is very simple to use I now feel comfortable enough to create my own site from scratch. Some of the features in SquareSpace are lacking and therefore I have the desire to leave. 

The timeline for this project is as follows;

  1. Winter Quarter 22, Begin researching other portfolio sites, any interests and dislikes from each site written out, find interesting color pallets, begin prototyping the website in figma.
  2. Spring Quarter 23, Figma prototyping, possibly research with classmates, send out a prototype to friends, family and classmates for input. 
  3. Summer Break, Depending on work/ internship begin adjusting prototype in figma, possibly begin coding in dreamweaver.
  4. Fall 23, CODE CODE CODE, code the figma prototype in dreamweaver goal is to finish by the end of Fall Quarter.

The project would not cost me any money, I already own my own domain, I would just need to learn how to apply that into my website.

New Media

Winter 22 Blog 2

In this week’s assignment we are being tasked to write about an experience we have had at SCCA with a project that we had prepared for and had to deal with some circumstances that caused us to adapt. I have had a few things go on while at SCCA that have caused me to adapt while in the middle of a specific project but one in specific was during our final project in Intro to Design. After a wild semester of getting my laptop, glasses, an audio recorder, and other personal belongings stolen in the middle of the quarter and figuring out money while being full time here. I think my brain was just fried, specifically the creative part of my brain. As we began work on our final project for Jill I was feeling fine in terms of my ideas, created a logo for Elliott Bay and loved that logo, began brainstorming for a poster to promote their live author readings and had some lovely ideas. Fast forward a few weeks and we are doing group critiques. I am panicking about not having much to share with my group, because I could not quite make my ideas come to life. I was stressed and decided to message Jill about this creative block I was feeling and thankfully she was very understanding. I decided to pivot and completely redesign my poster. I started with using an actual photo of Elliott Bay Bookstore in the foreground with the Seattle Skyline in the background, and completely flipped it to what it is now. I decided to use the anchor from the logo and create something on theme with the logo. The logo was an anchor with the crossbar being a bookshelf, this time I used the anchor and the cross bar was a seating area with open comfy looking chairs, one “grand” chair in the middle with a bookshelf in the background. This created a friendly looking environment while also connecting the logo to the actual poster design. I was extremely happy with how it turned out and am glad I faced that adversity in order to get where I finished.

New Media

Winter 22 Blog 1

In this week’s assignment we were tasked with taking a food item, or beverage in this case, and editing it to become aesthetically pleasing. For this specific assignment I chose to go the simple route and do basic photo editing, as someone who is not a photographer and/or in the visual media program here at SCCA. This is not my strong suit but it seemed like the approach that made the most sense. I simply used photoshop to touch up any of the latte art that had any imperfections, specifically using the clone stamp tool to fix the top heart in the latte. Then I used a quick selection tool to separate the latte from the background, added some noise, blur and color overlay to the background and added a slight contrast boost to the latte. Finalized some small details with the mask tool and was happy with how it turned out.