New Media

Winter Blog 6

In this week’s blog assignment we are asked to reflect on a past project that I did not meet the mark on. Whether that is because of my own expectations or the expectations of the other entity.

My story is not about one project as much as it is one specific job. I took a dramatically low paying, in house graphic design job for a museum in the greater seattle area. I took the job out of pure excitement and because a personal connection within the staff at the museum got me the opportunity to get this job and did not want to pass it up.

My first real graphic design job in my eyes, and it went down in flames. My first task was to create merchandise for the museum to sell in their gift shop, a few examples of the specific items requested were an engraved glass cup, stickers, and possibly a shirt. This job was also before I began this program, that is very important. I began work on all three of these items at the same time, while also working 6 days a week, and working on my portfolio for this program. So needless to say my energy to be creative was quite drained. I also was drastically unaware of how to communicate with an actual company and the rules around there properties. I immediatley began making a design that essentially redesigned their current logo because I disliked their current logo, which was not requested nor a good idea. I also, due to lack of free time, was not spending alot of time on these projects. This led to the person who hired me to reach out and ask for things multiple times, with me not having anything to give in return. 

Eventually I had to make the decision that parting ways was the best for both parties. Thankfully i did that because it gave me more time to work on my portfolio and who knows, if i had stayed my portfolio might have never happened and I would not be in this program.

The biggest takeaway’s I got from this experience is to one, never ever take a job that pays as little as that one did. Not only because it hurts me directly but it also brings down the price for other designers indirectly. Second is to not overload my plate, I have been doing that for the last few years and it cuaght up to me finally at that point and i now know tjat is not sustainable. My third and final takeaway is to do everything differently, I now have so much more knowledge thanks to this program and will be much more successful at my next job,

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