New Media

Winter Blog 9

Who are you?

I am Anthony Hernandez, a queer latinx man who values friendship, alone time, forgiveness, and compassion. I have dealth with mental health issues my whole life and value my experiences in that regard and love to help others dealing with mental health as much as I can.

What is it that you want to do?

I want to be happy. My definition of happy is being surrounded by genuine people that make me feel loved and respected, while also enjoying a career that affords me some luxuries such as traveling, a nice home, and the ability to never stress about bilis. I want to make a positive difference in the lives of those who come around me, without forcing anything. Just being myself and letting my energy do the work.


I want that because I feel like that is an obtainable goal without driving myself crazy or burning out. The question was phrased in a way that I wanted to give a realistic answer, my dreams are different and astronomical but those may or may not be realistic.

Where do you want to go?

I want to go somewhere that very few of my family has ever been. That is going to a place where I am comfortable with every aspect in my life, mental health, job, friends, income, etc.

What would you want to say?

I would want to say all the right things, but I know that is not going to happen. Early on in life I was obsessed with being perfect and it manifested as an adult in awful ways. It lead me to work with an OCD specialist and it has improved my quality of life significantly. Because I know saying all the right things is impossible I would truly want to say my best. Always putting my best foot forward verbally and taking responsibility whenever that does not happen.

New Media

Winter Blog 8

For this week’s blog assignment we are being tasked with creating our own video idea similar to Cut. Cut has hundreds of videos that are essentially social experiments with a wide variety of people. Some restrictions for our video are, no alcohol, and no insulting any group of people.

My idea is to have a student guess a group of other students major. Whether thats guessing inside of the program, being a visual media student or a design student, but since we are all already in new media together that might be too easy. So gathering other students from SCC and guessing what they are majoring in based on appearance alone.

I think their would be some interesting responses because everyone has bias’s they use on a daily basis and this would bring those to light for them. Might also bring out some hilarious responses as to why they think someone is in a specific program.

New Media

Winter Blog 7

In this week’s blog assignment we were tasked to visit a metaverse experience and take some notes on it. I went to the Cuervo Discovery Garden. It was essentially a meta verse where you tend to an agave field, you water the plants and get rid of the sage. It was interesting because you got to actually create an avatar instead of just having a robot looking thing. The rendering of the world was also pretty advanced for what I have seen in other meta verses. 

Some things that worked well was , as previously stated, was the rendering, customization, and movement. Some things that could have been fixed was the selection function, because you are using your mouse to move the camera it makes it difficult to select things at first, it becomes slightly easier but not enough. 

This is not something I see myself becoming interested in in the future, perhaps I will be eating my own words, but I have a short attention span for things on a screen of this nature. For example I can only play video games for so long before needing to change the game and or do something completely different.

I think the potential for advertisement is definitely there, but for a very specific demographic. People like me at this very moment are never going to be on the meta-verse voluntarily. 

I do however believe this will work as a great entertainment tool, mainly because things like it have already existed and are relatively popular. This is the first of its kind that is available on the browser without having to download software so it has a leg up in that realm.