

The aesthetic leans toward simple patterns using calming color tones for your on-the-go or work-from-home pet owner. The packaging would be yet simple but also appeal to tech-forward individual who has a strong passion for interior design in their personal life but has interest in minimalism and futurism.


Spring Blog Assignment #2


Spring Blog Assignment #3

The plus side of full-time at these jobs is the health benefits, paid time off, 410K, and transportation perks.

The negatives are sometimes work hours aren’t flexible, limited time off, can land in a stagnant position. Less freedom.



Who are you?

I’m a Creative based in Seattle, WA

What is it that you want to do?

Creative Director


I feel strong in my concepting and building a cohesive brand.

Where do you want to go?
I would love to have something that me to New York.

What would you want to say?

This program is a powerful one but also a stressful one.


Winter Blog assignment #8

Ideas I have would be similar to like “Guess My Phobia ” I feel like that would get people to possibly open up. Talk about something that is a little vulnerable but not too vulnerable. Other ideas is the “worst day of your life” This one is a recent from Eric’s class that I’d liked a lot. I felt like I learned a lot of unexpected things from people.


Winter Blog assignment #7

The experience was fun! It reminds me of a real Sims game where you get to interact with real people. I definitely can see how this is the future especially with how online gaming is continue to grow and become power house in both entertainment and marketing.

As time moves forward I can see myself using this more and more. Especially from a marketing standpoint. As a person who worked as a marketing event coordinator this gives me endless idea for opportunities in this world. Along with already knowing how brands are already buying marketing space in video games such like Tony Hawk Pro Skater. digital spaces is becoming just as important and physical spaces

As entertainment, I can most definitely see myself using it. I enjoy very much love interacting with other individuals online and also creating my own personal digital spaces. So I strongly see the potential for this in many forms.


Winter Blog Assignment #6 – Adam Knight

I choose deliver quality work because I often feel like I have a lot of opportunities on my path. But often in situations where I am burnt out from both ends and fail to meet my standards for myself. It’s something I am currently working on still about figuring out what to say yes to or what to say no to. As well what benefits me or what doesn’t benefit me so I can put more work into the things I want to strive for.


Winter-Blog assignment #5

  1. Please list what you think are your top three hard skills and top three soft skills.

My three soft skills would be: Leading, Concepting, & Adaptability.

My three hard skills would be: Marketing, Event Production, & Content Creation

• Give reasons and examples of why you feel you are strong in these areas.

I feel strong in these areas due to my past of experience of being a self-taught creative and having to wear more than one hat in my life, on top of my life experiences in the military and working in the music industry/action sports industry curating events

• Please list two hard skills and the top two soft skills you would like to develop during the next year and a half while at SCCA.

Two soft skills would be gaining a deeper design vocabulary and persuasion to better convince people I know what I am talking about.

Two hard skills would be just strong design skills and deeper knowledge of design programs

• Give reasons and examples of why you would benefit from being stronger in these areas.

In the past, I mostly struggled with communicating my thoughts in a convincing and understanding way to clients or higher-ups when presenting ideas that would benefit their businesses. So gaining those soft skills I feel are beneficial. Ask for hard skills I hope to be more proficient in design programs so I’m not only faster but my concepts are my sound.


Winter Blog assignment #3

A Personal project I’ve been doing for 5+ years is Housepartysea. Where I curate DJ mixes, Host events, and blog about up & coming artists from around the world. This project def something I have tone down a lot once started school but has been amazing piece to my portfolio due to it shows my skills from film photography, video, music, and event production all in one.

Since the time of doing it has become little more than just a passion project but a small aspect of my career of being an artist in Seattle. It’s been interesting to try to balance both at the moment of growth in design and all.


Winter, 2023 Blog Assignment #2

A time I had shift gears when I at least expected at Seattle Central, is during Design History. The video project was set in plan and ready to. Everyone hyped we had everything we needed locked down. We filmed and got our content and it was well thought out. We had our hiccups but nothing too crazy in the early process of collecting film and storyboarding. Then the editing process came. Everything was there and align and was about to wrap up. The first problem occur when one of our project partners had their computer stolen along with out audio recorder.

We were pretty ahead of the game on time so it didn’t hurt us too much but made the timeline way tighter. But things still look good and still had plenty of time for them to get everything back and start up again. Then the audio recording came and realize I had to cut down 2 hours of audio into 30mins. The shift was run but we were too deep into to abandon project. So I stepped to doing more hours of editing to make sure it got done.

The finished project was not 100% what we wanted it to be but it was still something we were proud of and learned from.