
natural inspiration

Oh gosh, I could go on about the changing of the seasons. How the actual vibrations of my body’s cells are elevated with the power of the sun. There’s a material shift in my chemistry. And that includes my creative forces. I find that I can just see more. Last summer, when I awoke one July morning, the first thing I saw was the morning light filtering through the trees and casting an undulating, refracted shadow on my bedroom wall. And I was so inspired to look upon that image, that shape, that I photographed it, processed it in Illustrator, printed it as a tattoo stencil, and inked it on my body. All before noon. Last week, I went to the dock for the first time this year, and thus the first time since I had begun school – begun my journey of professionalising my interest in design. And until I did, there were just so many tasks and duties to be done, swirling in my head. Then, I dunked myself into the lake. When the cool water engulfed me, it was like a reset. The reason for all of this became clarified once again. I remembered why I was doing this. A welcome reminder, given how grueling the present moments had become. But all it took was the gentle sensory-emotional induction of Mother Nature for me to recall that an aesthetic and creative life is worth living and pursuing. Thank you for that.

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