For the first assignment in the XR module of New Media, I chose to implement a scannable animated emoji in EyeJack.
This is the initial still from the emoji. When scanned in EyeJack, it animated to reveal that it is the kissyface emoji and plays a kissing sound effect.
I landed on this idea while thinking of what I could do that would be a simple showcase of the EyeJack AR app’s capabilities of scanning a flat image to then animate it. I chose to do this because I like how you can’t tell what it is from the still. It’s kind of cheeky. Like you’re getting a little delightful surprise from an unassuming smileyface.
I created the animated GIF by drawing each frame and compiling in Photoshop.
This project went smoothly without any hitches. I was actually quite surprised at how easy it was to upload, and how well the AR worked.
Here’s the QR code to be viewed with your EyeJack app.