
Jessica Aceti “yes” Q1W5BP

College is always a daunting and negative subject for me. I’d felt incapable. I had an assortment of learning disabilities growing up and could not read cohesively till the end of 4th grade. I’d grown up in special ED classes, I had this notion that I wouldn’t be smart enough for higher education. I’d gone to a private school and learned how to read and made up the skills I’d lost.

the stressers where:
-how much it wouldcost me
_ would i be able to handel it
-would i be smart enoguht

My anxiety had been bubbling all of my freshman year of high school, and by the time I was picking my classes for junior year, I’d had enough. I felt so scared that my past self wouldn’t be able to handle the future, and I was sick of living in self-made fear.

I didn’t think one bit, that I was ready to go to college. Covid-19 pandemic started when I was in 9th grade and I hadn’t learned anything in my online classes. My mom didn’t think it was the best idea, to throw yourself into something you’ve been having anxiety about for months on end. But I knew that if I didn’t do the early college program I would think about it constantly.

Truthfully I wasn’t ready. I had no idea how closed off I would be from my peers, and how difficult my collage history class would be on my mental health. It ended up being the secluded social aspect of it all that lead me to go back to high school part time after the first quarter of community college. Since I was still taking part time collage classes I then found out about this porgram. In the long game it ended up being the right move.

threw this, I learned instead of overthinking and having anxiety about something, to just take the risk when you had the opportunity. Allowing yourself to be uncomfortable long enough to completely change your day-to-day. Its daunting, but with a big picture mentality it was the right decision.


EyeJack Group Project M1Q1W5

  • What Point of interest (POI) did your team decide on?
    I was in a group with Charley and Stephanie and we decided to make are project about lakes in Seattle.
  • How did you create it (photoshop, Figma)?
    This formate was created in photoshop.
  • What assets did you use? (jpg/gif/audio/etc)

I used JPG images and videos of the lake.

After chatting for a bit about are project we decided on making are themed about different lakes you could visit in seattle. We started talking about color palettes and what we wanted the overall vibe to be. I wanted to include fun facts that most people wouldn’t know off hand to add some education. Charley made a mood-board for are font & themes which was super helpful. ( it won’t let me upload a photo unfortunately)

Because I have a few friend who live near the Montlake cut on lake union I already had video footage of the lake that I thought added some detail to the view. I included a video of the Windermere Cup Rowing Regatta.

I used an image from the website


Joe Hallock Q1W4B2

I chose to categorize the type of work I’m interested in, into the same format. Disclaimer: the way I organized this might be confusing.

Right now I could see myself doing many different forms of advertising. Still trying to understand my demographic and who consumes my content style, but here are different ideas and some brands that I’ve seen recently. As much as I’d want to do more broad audience work, sometimes appealing to the masses means having to create something easily digestible to the average person. To me, a broad audience can sometimes mean having to oversimplify which for my current self is overwhelming. I like the idea of making work that requires a bit of thinking or creating the type of ads that make you stop because of how they artistically created the AD was.

Specific audience low information density (high production)
Audience: women
Selling lip balm: the price of entry is high but for a low-end item.

Because naturally Ive always been drawn to and intrigued by social media, I could see myself making social media marketing campaigns. The first one that comes to mind, is this Instagram reel by glossier posted early this week. I could see myself either being one of the creative directors at glossier planning the shoot or being the person shooting and editing this project together. I love the idea of hiring people with influence as models to help push out the content and connect the content creator’s audience with the company product.
Glossier collaboration with swiss miss AD:

More mainstream audience: non-skip-able ad on youtube – Highly informational.
I love everything about Prose custom shampoo AD, from the way it catches your eye in the first 4 seconds, to how stylized and simple it is. I can see myself writing out the script and making the vision for a project like this. Not sure if this is a specific or broad audience, but because the product is about hair, I’d say it’s pretty broad.
Prose custom shampoo AD:

The specific audience, high informational – would be relatively low production.
Making a Microsoft sales training Employ videos.
I would be the director, doing pre-production, and production, and post production, creating begging to end.


Reviewing Chantecaile Wild Beauty AR App

When given this assignment, I didn’t know which way I wanted to take it. I generally don’t use AR a bunch in my day-to-day life. I don’t watch a ton of animation, or play any video games; so when I went to the app store on my phone for this project I was amazed to see so much variety in how AR was used. I downloaded a few different apps before this one but quickly realized I did not understand the point/ meaning of playing many of the games and decided to pick an app that had a bit more meaning and the goal of having AR. I stumbled upon a beauty brand called Chantecaile Wild Beauty whose name I recognized and was interested in why they had an animal AR photo app. It turns out they’re a cruelty-free brand whos trying to help and spread education threw their marketing/ selling their products. I thought it was savvy and wanted to know how interactive it was. Overall the app was not hard to use or figure out, it had a basic layout and simple (assuming) adobe Aero effects. 

I felt that my PowerPoint might have been a bit nit-picky about the app’s overall layout of trying to sell products. They advertise the app as “helping save endangered species from Africa” but as a user, the app felt like it was asking me to just buy their products. Which is fine, but the marketing felt off.


Guest speaker mashup Q1w3

For this assignment, I chose my mashup using three different mediums: video, photo, and animation.

Link to project:

( has both screen recording or eye jack and video without eye jack.

I was able to animate this by using eye-jack which I just learned the week prevues in new media’s Ar (virtual reality class.) I also learned in my digital images class that magazines or ad’s photospheres will purposely leave negative space for there to copy (text). I used this as my first video shot having some text that gave context to what I was filming. As for the stop motion photos, I think my overall understanding of my camera settings and lighting has proven eminently threw the light class.

I did find this project challenging in the sense that I wanted to do more with it, if I was given this project a few months from now I would have incorporated after effects or illustrator two platforms that I think would have been fun to experiment with this mashup mentality. I also felt that I could have added more of original touch to it when thinking about the mashup concept.

Going back to Palo Tossolini’s mashup concept, I wanted to do something timely, and relevant. I liked what Mr.Tosolini said about his, “ guerilla marketing” strategy. Leverage a moment, or an event and surf the wave of interest to showcase your product. I chose the water lantern festival for this mashup because I thought it represented everything Mr.Tossolini depicted. I also thought of how I can use the guerilla marketing strategy as a content creator, by leveraging a Japanese tradition that happens ruffly once a year, to show how my storytelling style and add value to people on social media by giving them interesting experiences they can be in-the-know about by following my platforms.


Adobe aero Q1w3M1

For this adobe aero project, I chose to do a Christmas-themed card. As someone who is not religious in any regard, I quite like the theme of Christmas as a Jewish girl. I love singing along to all the holiday hits and that everyone has an overall appreciation for one another a little bit more during the holiday season. I remember as a small child running to go get my presents on Hanukkah, and it always felt like the gifts came running to me vs the other way around. It’s almost as if the toys couldn’t wait to be played with. I encapsulated this in my visual Christmas card. 

Here are some of the main effects, I used. I used the bouncing effect for #Xmas 3x. I used the run-to effect for all of the toys heading to the human reindeer character who I made dance. I put on the tap effect on the star to start the toy simulation.  

I had a really hard time maneuvering the controls on aero and using it overall. I don’t fully know what it was about the software that made me frustrated and got me confused. 

I think this platform is a great skill to have and I could see it being a lot more fun once I’m able to make my own illustrator creations to put into this format 

Threw this I defiantly have a better appreciation for the people who make these edits I’ve always thought were neat Snapchat and Instagram filters. 


Virtual Reality project 1 -AR Poster –

Using EyeJack, we where given an open ended prompt to make an animation any way we wanted.


I chose to make a stop-motion animation of the messy folder of work I’ve created over the last week on my laptop. Although my work might all look crummy to me, the reality is I’m being experimental and trying new things, whice is all the matter. This is the message & story I told threw this project.

I first thought of this idea after putting a few of my favorite images together after shooting at a girl soccer game. I liked the layout of it, and how it looked like screenshots and reminded me of myspace formate. I used two of the images for my hard light assiment in another class but loved the rest of the images and decided to recyle them out of my messy trash folder into this project.

Music creditied to: remi wolf, song sugar