When given this assignment, I didn’t know which way I wanted to take it. I generally don’t use AR a bunch in my day-to-day life. I don’t watch a ton of animation, or play any video games; so when I went to the app store on my phone for this project I was amazed to see so much variety in how AR was used. I downloaded a few different apps before this one but quickly realized I did not understand the point/ meaning of playing many of the games and decided to pick an app that had a bit more meaning and the goal of having AR. I stumbled upon a beauty brand called Chantecaile Wild Beauty whose name I recognized and was interested in why they had an animal AR photo app. It turns out they’re a cruelty-free brand whos trying to help and spread education threw their marketing/ selling their products. I thought it was savvy and wanted to know how interactive it was. Overall the app was not hard to use or figure out, it had a basic layout and simple (assuming) adobe Aero effects.
I felt that my PowerPoint might have been a bit nit-picky about the app’s overall layout of trying to sell products. They advertise the app as “helping save endangered species from Africa” but as a user, the app felt like it was asking me to just buy their products. Which is fine, but the marketing felt off.