- What Point of interest (POI) did your team decide on?
I was in a group with Charley and Stephanie and we decided to make are project about lakes in Seattle.
- How did you create it (photoshop, Figma)?
This formate was created in photoshop.
- What assets did you use? (jpg/gif/audio/etc)
I used JPG images and videos of the lake.
After chatting for a bit about are project we decided on making are themed about different lakes you could visit in seattle. We started talking about color palettes and what we wanted the overall vibe to be. I wanted to include fun facts that most people wouldn’t know off hand to add some education. Charley made a mood-board for are font & themes which was super helpful. ( it won’t let me upload a photo unfortunately)

Because I have a few friend who live near the Montlake cut on lake union I already had video footage of the lake that I thought added some detail to the view. I included a video of the Windermere Cup Rowing Regatta.
I used an image from the website https://gethappyathome.com/3-wildly-memorable-things-to-do-on-lake-union-in-seattle-this-summer/