This past year I’ve been going on hikes all over the PNW and have noticed I gravitate toward nature’s symmetry. I read this article about just that and have been quite fascinated. “It would make an awful lot of sense if nature could reuse the program to produce a petal rather than have a different program for every one of the 100 petals around the sunflower,” Dr. Johnston said.
Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/24/science/symmetry-biology-evolution.html#:~:text=Symmetry%20runs%20rampant%20in%20nature,things%20like%20proteins%20and%20RNA.
I went to the tulip fields at Roozeb Gaarde this weekend, and although these photos have been placed for picture-perfect, I can’t help but love how each bud has a grove of petals that fit together seamlessly. The pattern and texture of each blossom with the bright pop of colors manufactured together to look straight out of an Alison wonderland cartoon.

I also went to the UW cherry blossoms; using a wide-angle lens, I could capture all the spiral shapes of the tree branches. I also got a lens flair that I like in my image.