Brooke Montgomery—CUT

This week we heard from creative director from CUT, which focuses on many different unscripted and thought-provoking videos from many backgrounds and diversities. Our challenge is to come up with a concept video that we produce as a student body at SCCA.

I think it would be interesting to create a video surrounding the question “Where do you see yourself five years from now?” Though it might be more difficult to organize such a video where we refilm in five years with the same participants (and keeping us accountable to remember to do this) it would definitely be very interesting to see the results afterwards (career and anything else one might want disclose about their life—it can be pretty open ended to whoever is being filmed, the main thing is comparing what they initially answered to how it compares five years later).

As first year students, we are all still learning so much and we might have a vague idea of what we might want to do when we graduate, so it would be interesting to see what preconceived ideas we have about what we want to do in the industry and how that might change after working for a couple years. This video would not just be for our current class, but it would be nice to show future first year students as well to show how predictable (or unpredictable) we are with our careers and life in general.

For the actual filming, I think having around 20 to 30 participants, I mainly want a large pool of students because we cannot predict where people will be 5 years from now and how willing people will be to filming in the future/what circumstances people will be in—so filming more people will allow more room for flexibility and unforeseen circumstances. I definitely want a diverse range of students, from all ages, races/backgrounds, education, and both design and visual media students. It’ll be especially important to include a wide variety of ages because I think those who have been working before compared to younger students who are coming straight out of SCC finding their first actual job will have varying opinions about the future and reality.

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