Freelance, Part-time, Fulltime vs Contract/Agency Work

Research the difference of Freelance, Part-time, Fulltime vs Contract/Agency work.


-Hired by the project (shorter period vs contractors)


-Self-employed, able to set your own rates, flexibility (but also need to have discipline with not overworking and knowing how much you are worth)


-Finding job as a freelancer is difficult if you don’t have the portfolio/experience or connections for it, starting out can be difficult, need financial safety net in case you have a lull/can be unstable/unpredictable (need to diversify client base), have to wear all hats (client briefing, marketing, taxes, accountant, etc)


-Considered part-time if working less than 30 hours a week (in-house)?


-More freedom to do whatever you want


-Depending on the company may or may not get benefits when working less hours


-30-35 hours+ a week? (depends on the definition), fixed hours typically, can be salary or hourly (depending you might get paid OT), typically (depending on role) might not have to even deal with clients


-Job security, consistent schedule, working with others and if in the right environment able to grow and learn from coworkers/get feedback, employee benefits/vacation/insurance/sick time/etc, get familiar with brand you’re working for/consistency/design system, having to work with the same people (can be good or bad), Depends on small vs big company

  • Big company—can become monotonous work on the same product
  • Small company—wear multiple hats and make solo design decisions


-If you work with people you don’t like/office politics can get bad, work can be monotonous working for the same company, typically slower progression of pay raises (vs freelancing you’re in charge of your own rate or contracts you can re-negotiate)


-Usually work with one company for extended/specified period/”contract” and paid by the hour, typically the agency sets your rate (can negotiate but again less freedom with freelancing)


-Get to work with different clients and industry/brands (networking), meet new people, don’t have to necessarily deal with office politics—since it’s a contract you’ll just move to the next (or if you do like the place a contract can lead to a fulltime), renegotiating contracts on project basis—opportunity for more frequent pay jumps (depends), can really specialize (vs being a generalist with in-house work)


-Employed by vendor/agency and can be inconsistent work too (more stability than freelancing), having to meet new people for every new contract and learn how a new company works/expectations, contracts aren’t necessarily going to be renewed and there can also be a lull in contract work

Which do you think you would prefer and why?

I would prefer working fulltime but at a small studio. I still have a lot to learn and I think I would benefit a lot from being able to work collaboratively with other designers and learning from those who have more experience than me (which I would not be able to get as a freelancer). Additionally, I don’t think I am necessarily ready to be completely self-employed freelancer as I would have to build my own network first and have a lot to learn about being my own accountant, filing taxes, insurance, etc—which is enough stress as it is being a new designer in the field. There is potential to being a contract worker, as I would love to work with different companies without being tied down to working for one brand or design system—the main thing that is deterring me from being a contract worker is that when you work in-house, you’re able to build stronger bonds with your coworkers and there is a different relationship compared to those who are contract workers (which some may disagree with me). I think when you work with a team for an extended amount of time there is a bond that grows which is what I want to find. I honestly would not mind starting out with contract work until I find a place I like to work to become a fulltime worker.

If your last name starts with A-G find three job postings for Part-time work.–Agricultural-Sciences_REQ_0000042493-1–Remote-_R00000004124845

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