Andrew Nedimyer–Personal Projects

Personal projects are about your curiosity, not your output. They’re about exploring what’s inside of you rather than getting famous or finding a job. If you’re looking for direction in life, try creating something on the side instead of working more hours at your 9-to-5.”

A project that I have been wanting to start since the new year is a 100 day challenge. I plan on doing 100 days of paintings (specifically using gouache paints) on a fairly small canvas, around ~4 inches x 4 inches in size. I’ve always had a passion for painting in general but I’m not sure if it’s simply the perfectionist mindset I’ve been where if I do create something I want it to be perfect, so I spend hours, days, weeks and fixate on it. I specifically wanted to do this to push my limits on what I know and simply experiment and have fun with the process. Not every piece will be perfect but having a goal to paint a little bit every day with a time limit (possibly a one-hour time limit) will not only help me get past the “perfectionist” mindset but also increase speed and efficiency with my output in work (because I really am not producing work at a fast enough pace yet).

100 paintings in 100 days - #the100dayproject complete
I was inspired to start a 100 day painting challenge after seeing someone’s challenge.

It’s okay to be messy. It’s okay to experiment. It’s okay to accept imperfection.

The timeline is already set out for me, to complete a 100 day streak of paintings. For now, I am thinking of any abstract paintings, with color palettes I’m not used to, as I tend to stick to nature/realism most of the time, to try something different. To execute this project, I will need a consistent schedule to follow to have the painting done in a timely manner—setting a specific time slot will help me stay accountable and make it easier as I get into the groove of things, and it starts to eventually become a habit. I tend to have the most energy at night, so I can set a one-hour time slot in the evening everyday (in replacement of watching Netflix or any other unproductive task). The project itself shouldn’t cost much as I have the paints and paper already. I simply need to plan out a schedule that is realistic enough for me to follow through on and have no expectations (so after I catch up on homework and get my life together a bit more). I’ll just have fun with it and see what I produce.

Commit and create!


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