
This week we heard from Mara Stokke, an experiential designer–I was really inspired by how much time and thought is put into each project, with researching the clients background, the actual user research of people who encounter these spaces (eg. patients in hospitals), material being utilized, etc.

For this assignment, I redesigned a small nook in the Academy–the one near the elevators and stairwell because I think it is a really cute area that has potential.

Original layout of the nook
Moodboard that inspired my redesign

When redesigning this nook, the first thing I wanted to do was incorporate plants but in a way that fit into this small area. First having a green wall replace the white board to give the area more life–having more natural elements that can surround us in general puts us more at ease. I added a hanging plant and some potted plants on the tables as well. I also added hanging/swinging chairs so this spot can be for relaxing but also chairs with a desk to the side (to the left) for studying if needed–overall the material of the lamps, chairs and tables are all wooden to tie it all together. The floor has also been changed to wood to give it a more earthy-homey feeling.

I wanted to keep the windows but also utilize that space as the new “white board” by using erasable markers for the windows, which also allows students to look outside more to get that vitamin D! I really wanted to have the area well lit, so there is a huge center piece for the ceiling light. The ceiling is painted blue to be reminiscent of the sky if you ever need to daydream or stare off into space. Overall, I kept the area pretty open because there is an exit door to a classroom to the left and also elevators/stairwell as to not block any paths.

Nature inspired redesign of this cute nook!

I wanted this to be a place where students can come to relax and destress, but also be usable for studying purposes. Come here to meditate, stare off into the city skyline or fake sky! Do some collaborate work here with classmates or as a quiet area to study.

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