Ahh the Swiss Army Knife. Evermore a testament to the multipurpose capabilities humanity can imbue upon an object. However, What multipurpose capabilities has humanity imbued upon me? Furthermore, are there possessed capabilities that I could imbibe some more of? Also, what capabilities have not been imbued in me that I should try to imbibe?
Blog Assignment #1: An Exploration into The Limitations of Image Generation Software and What That Implies for User Experience.
A journey through the lens of stone age home entertainment
Entertainment…Don’t we all love to be entertained? Since the dawn of time, humans loved entertainment . But we can only remember so much about back then.
Yet, I cant help but wonder “What made them entertained?!?!????!???!?”… I’d imagine it was a magic show.
Now… I wasn’t there, and no one took photos of shows back then. So here’s what I imagine happened:
Note the top hat, the wand, the Vegas style stage presence. All timeless staples of entertainment magic.
Yeah so this is totally what it would’ve looked like. Yet, this image leaves something to be desired.
And I’m at the limits of my artistic ability.
…If I team up with Artificial Intelligence, we could create a near photorealistic image of that exact magic show.
“Dall-e, can you make me an image please?”
“Of course, what of?”
“caveman wearing a leopard print top hat and a leopard print toga performing a stone age magic show”
Feels like a daytime TV cake show ft. the Tiger-Liver King. Thumbs down. Throwing tomatoes. Time to reevaluate.
“leopard clad caveman performing spectacular magic show with rocks“
Ok, now we’re getting somewhere. It’s certainly spectacular, but feels more like a cave DJ-set, or a cool guy at a party presenting his neat rocks.
“leopard clad caveman performing the most insanely spectacular magic show with rocks”
Notable lack of spectacular. Feels like a very serious talk with your cave-husband. 0/10 Insanity.
“leopard clad caveman performing the most spectacular magic show with the most rocks”
“leopard clad caveman performing the most spectacular magic show with the most rocks and even more rocks”
Staggeringly Perfect. The lighting. The outfit. The exact wand I drew. 10/10 Rocks.
“Thank you Dall-e, that was a blast, you really know how to make a caveman.”
“That is so kind of you to say.”
“I love you.”
At the end of the day, Dall-e free is a great free image generator. The pictures are cohesive at a glance, and it didn’t totally freak out over abstract/subjective requests. Due to using all 6 of my tokens I will never be using it again.