
Blog Assignment #1: Mashup

For my mashup design, I wanted to think of a word to best summarize how I was feeling at the time. Chaos was the word I decided on. As far as the rest of the text in my composition, I wanted to make it clear that it was good chaos, something exciting, yet unknown. The electric green signifies a positive, happy energy. The black surrounding it is the unknown. The next step was to think of how I was going to incorporate 3 art mediums into the piece. The first thing that was used was writing out the word Chaos with some sriracha I had in my fridge. I love hot sauce on tons of food, especially the breakfast burritos that keep me going through a long school day. I think this is an interesting approach because it made me think of ways to get more creative and not only use one program.

After saucing up my creation, I decided to image trace it in Adobe Illustrator. This is the top part of my word in my final composition.

Since the colors I had chosen felt very Digital-esque, and that is definitely apart of the program. I felt pixel art would be another avenue to travel down. I used a program called, “Aseprite” to create the bottom half of my word, as well as the pattern in the background of my composition. I have very little experience with the program, so there was a little bit of a learning curve that slowed me down initially. Overall, I learned a good amount from this particular experience about the program.

My final medium I used was glitch art. Examples of this in my design include; pixel sorting, distorting, dithering, and cutting/pasting. The pixel sorting is the effect where the pixels in some areas have that ‘stretched’ effect. This particular effect I managed to use from a glitch app on my phone. Incorporating effects in this manner seemed to really pull my idea together. It was fun to basically dirty up the work at this stage. Roughen up the edges and not make everything look so perfect. I felt this embodied how my art journey at Seattle Central College would be like.

Now that I have addressed my art mediums that I used, with this project I wanted to make it look like an old game screen that looked like it was breaking out into a new direction of some sort. Essentially this encapsulates my start of this journey at Seattle Central College. I am excited to learn so much here and can’t wait to set out on my new adventures.

What the words looked like before combining them.

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