
Blog Post #7: Steve Hansen

I always enjoy looking at food packaging when I am out and about in the bustling world. One section of a grocery store that brings me great joy is the cereal aisle. How can you not love all the variety and fun packaging? So, that is what I set out for this blog post. Firstly I wanted to go for something that was established and Mario was the strongest character I could think of. Having fun with the naming of the cereal struck a chord with me as well with the idea of this Italian plumber. My goal was to convey an excitement that most cereal boxes illicit, as well as to have a welcoming persona to it all. I made most of the graphic pieces in illustrator such as the mushrooms since I could not find a good quality one if I wanted to upscale it. Ideally, my execution could be improved if I had the expertise of using 3d software, but I think that this conveys the message of what I had in my mind. I built the rest of the composition in Photoshop and messed with some of the colors a little bit using Camera Filter Raw. I found the picture of Mario holding his hand out and thought that would be the perfect placement for his bowl of cereal.

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