
Blog Assignment #2: Joe Hallock

October 19th, 2022

Finding a work focus to land on for me right now seems, pretty ambiguous to me currently, but if I had to make a guess, I would say I might fall into a low information density tile. I believe this to be the case because I noticed that my work seems to gravitate more toward simplicity rather than making things with a ton of information to process. It is satisfying visually to me when things are not all over the place in terms of art style and a ton to process.

Things with “High Information Density” seem to be a lot more that goes into it and a longer overall process. Hopping into new design projects more often feels way more exciting and fulfilling. Designing for a more broad audience would be nice because more people could understand your work, but working in a niche and a specific audience feels more freeing to work for. It definitely feels like there are pros and cons that I will have to weigh with my focus on design as a job.

The furthest tile away from me would have to be High Information Density + Specific Audience. The examples that were given, “Research Portal and Medical Illustration” sounds supermundane and lacks the excitement of the design process in my eyes. I imagine this quartile does pay better than the rest though just because it is so complicated.

Before arriving at Seattle Central College, I was never even giving web development a chance and assumed I would hate it. Obviously, we have not been at school for too long, but I am enjoying it more than I thought I would, so it is all about trying many different niches in the design world as possible and seeing what sticks.

All in all, finding my strengths and weaknesses in Design is one of my goals that I want to figure out through trial and error.

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