Blog Assignment #7 take a photograph of a product and create a visual “little world” or “story” around it.
Let Me Manifest This Mystic Mood
Come in closer, mortals. I’ve been cultivating my spirit realm vibes again through curated decor. This photo captures some meaningful artifacts for awakening our inner ancient pasts. Everything ties back to preparation, protection and eternal possibility.
Centered is Lush’s Karma blend which reminds us that all energies eventually return full circle. I sourced the perfect engraved leather backdrop signifying past life memories buried within our DNA. Don’t the etched symbols seem faintly recognizable? Like you’ve been initiated before…
Fanning shadows nearby: slivers of selenite, beaming silver. Representative of lunar cycles, death/rebirth and spirit communing. They beckon softly.
My beloved crystal ball asserts future sight – if you have the gift to Scry like ancients. Coiled around, an enchanted uraeus serpent guards this visionary power. Behind, wings of Horus as the golden beetle promises renewal when we honor natural law.
And so I’ve composed an altarscape both elegant and storied. Its details should resonate with your soul as well. After all, the occult hides in plain sight 🧿🔮