
Week 4- Polycam

I think there’s a lesson for me here- this project did not go as expected. I started with an idea I was excited about: rendering the dining room chair, which is my usual landing place for my things as I walk in the door, with a black “portal” (made out of black paper) stuck between two of the chair legs. The idea was to drop my keys, bag, etc, onto the chair, where of course they would disappear because the chair wasn’t really there. Then, in the video, I would prepare to leave my house again and begin looking for my keys et al, upon which I would discover the portal and start pulling random things out of it- last of which being the things I was looking for. But no matter how many times I tried (many, many times), I could not make it look like I was actually reaching into the chair “portal”. It kept looking like I was reaching around the chair, which entirely defeated the point. It felt like I was trying to get a bill passed in Congress. First I ditched the super-long scarf I had planned to unroll and extrapolate. Then I had to get rid of the silly figurines I’d collected from around the house. Then the cactus. Then I gave up on pulling things out of the portal entirely, and settled on dropping things on the chair, where they would disappear. It took another ten or so tries to get that video looking close to what I wanted. My right pointer finger is actually sore from putting my Vans back on so many times. Then, when I finally had something I was satisfied with, I didn’t have the option to save the video for some reason, and I accidentally closed the window before I realized they weren’t automatically saving- so I had to remake it one more time and immediately send it to Dropbox so I wouldn’t lose it. I’m actually happy with how the final video turned out, so maybe there’s a lesson here as well. Not sure what that is yet, but it’s only week four.

ps- I added a drop-box link in addition to uploading the video from my computer, I’m having nothing but technical difficulties this week and leaving nothing to chance.

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