Winter, 2023 Blog Assignment #2

So for the first week of class I had an a project that was about making a shapes based off a pattern we drew on a tiny piece of paper and we had to make a image out it, we scanned them and and made the size bigger or smaller so we can play around with shapes to form a image using the gestalt principles for design. as I was doing my work i made an interesting shape and glued them to a piece paper . but I put it my bag with my drink it got destroyed from the water and the whole thing got crumpled and torn ,wet so I tossed it when got home .but I found out that we needed to save it and bring it into class , I sent a message to my teacher Jill what happened and she said it was okay as long I had a picture I can use that. Luckily I did and good thing I took a picture when I finished it, we ended up using photoshop for that assignment to so it worked out for me.but if didn’t have a picture I know I would’ve probably had to start over not that I wouldn’t mind. you can actually see this work on this blog its the first post that I did if your curious about it and how it ended up looking it was a very interesting what my shape looked.
what I basically learned from that experience is to be more organized with school work its been years since I graduated high school, and I had the habit of just shoving paper into my backpack and I learned my lesson after this. so what I did was I bought a folder to hold all my paperwork especially since it was the first week of school I was given a lot of paper, I now double check the instructions for all my projects and assignments, and bought a planner and carried less stuff with me and not carry a drink in my bag 😅.

Food Photography

Blog assignment 1# winter 2023

Thai tea with tapioca and coffee ice cream!

So for this Illustration I used a program called procrate its not exactly my favorite program I use it cause its extremely easy to use and transfer my drawings and its on the iPad, but its one of my favorites hahaha, I do love brushes that are mimic real life textured paints and this is limited so I work with the ones that come with the program I used the oil brush for the bubble tea, Thai tea has very pretty effect of the milk when they make it fresh. the brush did a good job mixing but I can’t control as much as I would but I still love the results.and for the ice cream pup a hard round brush nothing fancy.

Why I choose to draw to these foods , I LOVE Thai tea its Aesthetically pleasing and delicious I would get one everyday after work , and the ice cream pup is coffee flavored with chocolate bits and the ear are waffle bits topped with a cherry, coffee is one my favorite things in the World d so anything flavored with it is automatically yum.

*If this shop was real it would be a Pomeranian themed boba shop*