Food Photography

Blog assignment 1# winter 2023

Thai tea with tapioca and coffee ice cream!

So for this Illustration I used a program called procrate its not exactly my favorite program I use it cause its extremely easy to use and transfer my drawings and its on the iPad, but its one of my favorites hahaha, I do love brushes that are mimic real life textured paints and this is limited so I work with the ones that come with the program I used the oil brush for the bubble tea, Thai tea has very pretty effect of the milk when they make it fresh. the brush did a good job mixing but I can’t control as much as I would but I still love the results.and for the ice cream pup a hard round brush nothing fancy.

Why I choose to draw to these foods , I LOVE Thai tea its Aesthetically pleasing and delicious I would get one everyday after work , and the ice cream pup is coffee flavored with chocolate bits and the ear are waffle bits topped with a cherry, coffee is one my favorite things in the World d so anything flavored with it is automatically yum.

*If this shop was real it would be a Pomeranian themed boba shop*

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