Blog assignment #5 – Brit Zerbo


  1. HARD SKILL-Spanish,photoshop,drawing ,SOFT SKILL- time management, taking responsibility,creativity

2.The reasons why I think that these are my hard/soft skill , I speak Spanish and that’s how I got my jobs up to now is because a lot of Spanish speakers always would call or come in asking for a Spanish speaker to help them with question and plenty of customer will tell me they one come that location because me, especially at a clinic location or when the community has a big latino demographic. Photoshop is a hard skill for me because I’ve used it since I was 13 yrs old and now I’m 27 I’m very confident to say that I know how to use it and can use for many things. and when I say artist I mean like I can draw illustrations like comics and also animals in a painty style I’ve included this in my project for jills class for a hot sauce bottle. my time management is a soft skill that I think i have but when it comes to small things I put those last on my list to prioritize the more important things. taking responsibility is a huge deal for me and I expect those around me to do the same with their tasks or work ,if I’m lacking or know that I’m not good at something I would acknowledge it and try to work on it cause I can’t runaway from my problems, creativity in my past jobs I would be the one that would always come to mind when something with Creativity was involved like making signs to making doodles on medication bags for pets after a surgery I also did a mural for my high school.

3. photoshop, drawing – time management, creativity

most of these are my creative skills that I wanna build up more , especially time management is something I need to work on as the year goes by but it seems to be going well for now

4. time management for school, I would benefit more with all the School work I have something to keep me on my toes and not slack off, when comes to my personal life that disappears which affects my School work. time management would help when I get a job or if I decide if I want to freelance after School

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