The Stanley Best Friends Collection

The water boal is a simple design in line with other competing hydration brands and Stanley’s own design: sleek, tough, and colorful. The idea behind the collection is to sell matching bowls/quenchers so that you and your best friend can drink together in style!

Design Systems

The Guardian

The Guardian uses its design system to create an easy to read hierarchy of information so that people can find the articles that are relevant to them as soon as possible. The layout of the site is built on a grid system that changes at various breakpoints for different screen sizes, down to just one column on mobile. The web page is comprised of “fronts” for different topics made up of containers and cards. I find the look a bit cluttered, honestly, but it does remind me of traditional print media. If you knew what you were looking for it would be easy to navigate but dropping on the site for the first time is slightly overwhelming to me.


I tried to visit the Uber link but they wanted me to sign in so screw them.

Adobe Spectrum

Spectrum’s design is meant to function across a wide variety of platforms and programs. Their focus is on inclusivity and accessibility for the widest possible audience. Their 3 principles are Rational, Human, and Focused: a research first approach to practical solutions designed to serve the users without too much fluff. Seems like an excellent approach. The Spectrum system is extremely exhaustive, covering every detail including animation easing and writing content specifically for onboarding. I cannot imagine creating something like this myself, but of course it was created over time by a large team.

Salesforce Lightning

Lightning immediately feels friendly and approachable with its bright colors and little fursuit character. The front page lists quite a few core tenants but overall they appear to be going for a fleshed out, flexible system that is accessible to all people and available on all devices. Like Spectrum they are fishing for a wide audience. Since Lightning needs to be used not only by the Salesforce team but by their clients as well, their guidelines include “Builders”: tools that allow their clients to “create and customize applications and business processes”. Like Spectrum Lightning is exhaustive and cohesive. You could spend hours reading through their system. Just browsing I stumbled on their Conversation Design system which appears to be a guide for how their chatbots interact with customers.