Week 07: Blog Assignment #7 / Manuela Insixiengmay
In crafting this assignment, my focus was on using a Catamarca city-themed mug as the product. The primary objective was to not only showcase the mug itself but also to promote the city’s name and generate curiosity among the audience about its significance.
To make the promotional effort more engaging, I opted for an adorable illustration that tends to attract attention and evoke interest. Cute images often resonate well with people, drawing them in and sparking a positive response.
To enhance the overall aesthetic, I carefully selected elements that already exist on the mug, such as plants and colors that complement the design. This serves a dual purpose – creating visual harmony in the photograph and ensuring that the product stands out without overshadowing its natural surroundings.
By incorporating these thoughtful choices, my aim is to not only present a product but to tell a story, capturing the essence of Catamarca in a way that resonates with potential customers and encourages them to explore the city further.