
Time Management

Time management schedule Average work Day: 10 hours …. Every day


10:00 wakeup 

55mins            10:00- 10:55- Tidying the home and making the bed.

35mins            10:55-11:30- Plan work checklist for the day 

23mins            11:30-11:53- Breakfast 

1 hour 18mins11:53- 1:11  Emails 

Instructor 1 Feedback – Alternative Sketches- sent email for approval of sketches

  Instructor 1- Email for approval of Project #2 

Instructor 2- Email for clarification of project details 

Instructor 3- Email for approval of new subject matter for project 

18mins              1:11-1:29  Help husband put away groceries 

46mins              1:29- 2:17  Alternative Fonts Find code 

57mins              2:18-3:15  Hang up halloween decorations 

1hour                 3:15-4-15 Adjust and Place Font code in document

1hour 17mins     4:15- 5:32 Adjust Color Layout and Font Color 

56mins               5:34-6:30 Redraw Hero Image and Insert in Website

1hour                  6:30-7:30 Add new spotlight picture – change background colors to fit image 

1hour                  7:30- 8:30 Cook Stir fry for Dinner

3hours                8:30-11:30 Refine Website layout 

Household = 3hours 55mins      School Planning= 1hour 18mins  Work= 8hours         


9:30 Wakeup 

9:30-10:30:Tidy up and Make the bed 

10:30-10:50 Breakfast

10:50-11:43 Plan work checklist- Redraw sketches – Respond to Emails 

11:43- 1:18 Research History Project  

1:18- 1:27 Small heart Attack when dreamweaver wouldn’t show my code after my cat sat on my laptop (weaving my nightmares)

1:27- 1:51 Serotonin video boost 

1:51- 5:00 – Finish all Videos/ Notes for Ill. Class

5:00- 7:17 Final Destination 4 Also known as “The Final Destination”. We are all aware that it was not…. And Mind Mapping Project for Design. 

7:17 Dinner 

Household/personal = 1 School Planning=1hour and 28 mins Work=  hours and 26 mins Leaser time=2 hours and 59 mins heart attack= 9 mins


4:30 Wake Up

4:30-5:45 Get ready for school 

5:45-6:20 Catch Ferry 

6:20-7:20  More sketches for Design project 

7:20-7:50 Travel to Campus 

7:50-9:00 Notes for class

9:00-11:30 Class

11:30-12:40 walk to ferry 

12:40-1:40 Ferry 

1:40- 2:20 ride home

2:20-2:40 CSS alignment test – send results 

2:40-7:45 Prep for Final Ill. Project 

7:45-8:30 Dinner 

8:30-9:00 Get ready for bed

9:00-10:00 Decompress and watch videos with my husband 

Household/personal =1 hour and 45 mins  travel time=3 hours and 55 mins Work= 10 hours and 5  mins Leaser  time=1 hour and 45 mins


4:30 Wake Up

4:30-5:45 Get ready for school 

5:45-6:20 Catch Ferry 

6:20-7:20  Read Article for History on the Ferry

7:20-7:50 Travel to Campus 

7:50-9:00 Read more of the article 

9:00-2:00 Class

1:40-1:45 Talk with Jason about project 

1:45-2:10 Finished sketch and was approved 

2:10-2:40 Ran to catch Ferry 

2:40-2:55 waited for Ferry 

2:55-3:30 Ferry Ride 

3:30-3:50 Arrived Home 

3:50 -6:00 Finished on Illustrator and turned in project. Will print tomorrow 

6:00-9:00 Melt on my sofa until my husband feeds me because I have no energy

9:30-10:00 Shower and then bed to start all over 

Household = 1 hour and 45 mins School Planning= 5 mins Work=9 hours and 45 mins  Leaser time= 3 hours travel time = 2 hours and 55 mins


 4:30 Wake Up

4:30-5:45 Get ready for school 

5:45-6:20 Catch Ferry 

6:20-7:20  Cat Nap on the ferry 

7:20-7:50 Travel to Campus 

7:50-9:00 Serotonin videos before class

9:00-2:00 Class

2:00-2:30 walked to the Ferry 

2:30-2:55 waited for Ferry 

3:30-3:50 Arrived Home 

3:50-4:20 Little video break with Sam  

4:20- 5:00- Took pictures for Project 2

5:00-5:20 Edited pictures 

5:20-8:00 Sketch for project 2 using Procreate  

8:00- 9:00 Dinner and the movie  Mona Lisa Smile 

9:00-9:30 Shower and then bed to start all over 

Household = 1 hour and 45 mins  Work=8 hours and 40 mins Leaser time= 3 hours and 40 mins travel time=1 Hour and 45 mins


 4:30 Wake Up

4:30-5:45 Get ready for school 

5:45-6:20 Catch Ferry 

6:20-7:20  Four more Logo sketches for  Design Finally worked out some that I liked 

7:20-7:50 Travel to Campus 

7:50-9:00 Music and Final sketching to refine the original idea from my sketch on the ferry 

9:00- 2:00 Class

2:00-2:30 walked to the Ferry 

2:55-2:30 sketched on the Ferry (Didn’t solve the problem)

2:30-2:55 waited for Ferry 

3:30-3:50 Arrived Home 

3:50-6:30 sketched 20 more drawings and finally found the solution to my problem. I combined two different styles and depicted the concept of community in the logo for design class.

6:30-7:30 Refine my time management schedule.

Household =1 hour and 45 mins  Work= 9 hours and 25 mins Leaser time= travel = 2 hours 



I find it exciting that I live in a time where you can scan anything in your surrounding area and project that 3D scan anywhere you would like. I’m unfortunately stuck in year 2021 and my Pixel 6 does not have a Lidar sensor. So here is a description of what I intended to film.

Diana opens a door to the outdoor patio. Henry the skeleton sits ominously on a wicker chair. He watches the cheerful ducks swimming in the pond next to the Chevy dealership.
Diana: “You alright Henry? Would you like a coffee? Oh Dear! I forgot you have no digestive system.” FIN.


Hello world!

Welcome to New Media . This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

While researching Jawny, I realized that I enjoyed their distinctive sound and vibrant use of colors in their music videos. Although I enjoyed the animated and well directed videos, I fell for one of the first videos I viewed “Honeypie.” The entire video was a guy who was being chased by a pie. I thought to myself, “We’ve all been there.” I really enjoyed the simplicity of the video. It looked like it was shot all in one take with a guy, a camera and a pie. Its simplicity resonated with me. My first thought was how do I promote an artist that has so many complex thoughts, ideas, and creative vision? Ideas begin in a notebook and I felt like having the notebook tell the story of when they’re presenting gave a more intimate relationship with the audience. Just a guy, a notebook, and a pie.