
Great Paintings VR

Starting off in this game I felt really immersed. The music helped me feel more comfortable in the environment and the availability of changing music and the colors of the wallpaper made it feel more customizable. I did, however, have some negative experiences while navigating from one end of the room to the other. It was hard to figure out how to move. At first there wasn’t anything showing you how to move so I figured out that the pointers directed you. You had to point on the floor and a green square would show up. Then you would travel to that location. Sometimes when you travel to that location, it would have you travel super fast and it wouldn’t even land where you wanted to land. You end up crashing into some paintings and it was very jarring. When you finished looking at all the paintings in the room you had a menu that allowed you to travel.

The overall design was very basic. You had paintings on the wall that you can view and a little chair in the corner for some reason. It gave you a description of each painting. The magnifying glass was a cool addition but it wasn’t anything special. It would just amplify what you already see. Overall, I thought it was really well done for a free game and if it didn’t give me motion sickness, I would have played it for a little bit longer.

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