
Final Week: Mara Stokke

So this is actually my 2nd run on this one. My first one was making the doors on the building more naturistic (not a word but a feeling) but it wasn’t working at all and looked terrible so I had to try again. Ultimately I decided that the hallway towards the north stairwell was where I wanted to direct my efforts.

On our floor at the creative academy we have lots of tables and standard chairs but I’ve always preferred something a bit more comfortable. I thought of turning this whole hallway into a sort of long booth on both sides, there could be cafe tables throughout with power outlets underneath. Make it a homier feel, give it a sort of coffee shop aesthetic. And then behind the long booths I thought that maybe adding some larger imagery. Some of the Seattle Skyline that we can’t see as well anymore with all the high-rise construction, and then also a Pacific Northwest Forest for a calming effect. I really just would love the floor to be a place to hangout and calm down from the rush of some of the projects.

Also apologies, I’m not very good at Photoshop so I tried adding fabric and stretching the images to perspective but it didn’t turn out the best but this is a good representation of what I was thinking.