
Q2 Speaker #3: Andrew Nedimyer

I think I’d love to do a two-person design studio style project. I think my current dream after this program would be after some experience at a larger place, maybe opening my own studio. I think working with a partner to do some branding projects would be a really valuable personal project, just to get a sense of what that would look like, the work splits, and just how much time and effort you would have to put in into just finding the clients, doing a lot of that work other then just designing to keep a business like that afloat.

I think the goal of the project would be to come up with 3-4 unique projects that customers could feasibly ask a design studio. Andrew spoke to the timelines at those studios so I think it would have to be intensive 1-1.5 months where I try to multitask these projects with a partner. The project would have to incorporate feedback sessions with “clients”, and varying the type of projects. A branding project, a website design, album design, packaging design. I think those different projects would cause me to work on different skills, flex different brain muscles. I think working on different styles with different parameters would be really beneficial also. Having client expectations so I’m not just doing what I like to do which isn’t how the real world works, making it as realistic as possible is where I think the true benefit would lie. Me and Jordan Pasek have actually already talked about something similar to this outside of school anyways so I think this might become something relatively real.

I think other than time, the things I would need to make this project possible would be assistance in coming up with the projects. Maybe one from each teacher just to give me parameters for the projects I kind of just laid out and the would act as the clients. Erik could give one for a website design using Figma, Jason could give some sort of menu layout/branding project with a wide scope, Jill could could come up with a album design and I know she does packaging second year but maybe Larissa could give me parameters for those also. We would have to have a final review session where there was a consensus “yes, this is good” and if not the project could continue until we got there, if my “clients” were’nt happy with it I would need to see it through to the end.

I think this project could feasibly be done for free. These would ostensibly be portfolio projects and wouldn’t necessarily have to be reproduced but some of the branding projects I could print out actual deliverables like a menu or figure out how to print out an album jacket. Design and drawing is my hobby, I don’t DJ like some people in class or play in bands. I just watch movies, and fish and do solo stuff so this kind of is my hobby and what I enjoy so I think I could do all of this for nothing and have a great time doing it.

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