
Q2 Speaker #9: Christina Wu

I’m Dunham. Doneham, dumbham. I’m into nerdy shit, way more than people probably know. I get deep into wikipedias for fandoms and have intimate knowledge on shows, movies, franchises that I sincerely have no interest in. I build models, I collect posters, albums, trading cards, hats, bluerays, art books. I’m exceedingly competitive, I have to constantly resist the urge to compare myself and my work to everyone around me. I always want to be the best whatever that means to the point I’m self-conscience of that feeling. I just wanna be good at what I do and I’m scared sometimes maybe I won’t be but I try to work past that.

I want to be a designer that’s respected in design circles. Someone that people can just say is good and is known as someone who does good work, is acknowledged by their peers and is known as a good person to work with. I want to make posters, design album covers, books, magazines, draw sometimes. I want to do all the fun design shit. I want to be creative and have my creativity praised. 

I want these things and am these things because I think I have to prove something to myself. At my old job, it was technically in graphics, but it wasn’t creative at all. And I saw people who’d been working there for 15-20 years making what I make, doing what I do and I was terrified I’d be that complacent. And that sounds shitty, there was nothing wrong with what I was doing, and if they were happy doing that then more power to them, everyone should be so lucky, but I just wante dot do something I could be proud of and thought was worthwhile to myself. So I want to be a designer that’s considered good and knows their shit. I want to take this super seriously because I want to be someone taken seriously.

I want to go back to Minnesota at some point. I love it there. I like it here, and I want to probably work out here for a while but I think my heart is and always will be in Minnesota. The cold winters are worth it it, there’s just too much there for me to not want to go back. And I think I’d want to make something there, a design studio potentially if I got good enough to do that. I want to have a place to exercise my vision of what is good design.

I would say don’t half ass your life. Don’t be complacent. Take a chance on yourself at least once. Work hard, be serious when you need to be, be honest in your critique but kind. Make whatever you’re doing worth it. If they aren’t your friends or family, don’t take shit from anybody. Stand up for yourself, listen to criticism in earnest. Be a sponge. Never stop moving in whatever you’re doing.

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