
Blog Assignment #7

Last week we listened to a lecture given by Steve Hanson. Steve is a food photographer and 3D modeler, also focusing on food and food packaging. The assignment for this week was to create a visual of food with the goal of making it look as appetizing as possible. For my project I chose a bottle of Sanpellegrino Sparkling Water. I chose this not only because it was the only food in my apartment but also because I quite like the design of the label. I first took a photo of it with the best lighting I could find, which was on a windowsill. I then brought the image into Photoshop and removed the background. I then made some corrections to the image including the contrast and brightness in order to make it look more appealing. I then created added a colored background and tried my best to create a realistic shadow for the bottle. I then added a few drops of condensation using the ellipse and gradient tool before realizing how tedious this process was and giving up. If I had to do this project again I would try to create condensation on the bottle before taking the picture in order to avoid doing it in post.

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