
Blog Post #12

After hearing from Adam this week we were asked to reflect on times in our life where we failed to meet expectations made by ourself. These could include delivering quality work, creating trust with the client, or adding value to the production. Out of these three I chose to reflect on a time I failed to deliver quality work. I was asked to create a series of movie posters in my graphic design running start class in high school. I had a very strong vision of where I wanted to take the project but shortly after beginning I realized it wasn’t going to turn out how I had hoped. Instead of trying to pivot and try something else I continued to try and force a design that wasn’t working. All three posters turned out awful but I learned a lesson from it.


Blog Post #11

  1. I believe my top 3 hard skills are: Icon Design, Logo Design, and Visual Identity. I believe my top 3 soft skills are: Organization, Decision Making, and Adaptability.
  2. I believe those are my top 3 hard skills because I am confident with my ability to design coherent icons and logos. I put visual identity down because I’m also confident in my ability to creating multiple different icons and graphics in the same family or style. For soft skills I put organization down simple because of how well I manage all my files while designing. I have decision making on the list because in design given multiple options for fonts, colors, ect I feel confident in my choices. Finally I put down adaptability because I practice non destructive design which allows me to go back and change details without starting over.
  3. Two hard skills I would like to work on are: Typography and Motion Graphics. Two soft skills I would like to work on are: Persuasion and Stress Management.
  4. I would like to work on my typography because I think it is a crucial aspect of design that I am quickly realizing I have very little knowledge about. I would like to work on motion design because its another aspect of deign I’m not very knowledgeable on and I think a good grasp on it would open many more job opportunities. I think I should work on my persuasion because although I am confident in many of my designs I feel like I sometimes have a hard time selling them when I have taken a strange approach to them. I also think I should I should work on stress management because I spend a lot of time worrying, and making mountains out of ant hills with certain assignments when I could just be working on them. This would benefit me because I would have more time to experiment and make revisions instead of spending that time getting stressed about the deadline.

Blog Post #10

Hi, my name is Edward James Leonard, I’m a graphic designer with 6 years of experience in both PhotoShop and Illustrator. I specialize in iconography and typography with a very specific and niche design style. Some of my work includes (Hold up portfolio or something idk). I’d love the opportunity to work for you, can we exchange business cards?


AR/VR Project #4

For this assignment we were asked to create a series of AR visuals for points of interest in Seattle. My partner was Andrew and we chose to do our project on local bookstores around the Capitol Hill area. I didn’t have any issues with this project as it was relatively similar to the previous ones. Andrew created the templet for the book and I designed a quick logo for twice sold tales as they only image of it on their website is incredibly low quality. We decided to use images as our assets and all I did was change the image I chose to greyscale in order to match the black and white photo Andrew was using. Actually looking at my panels again now I’ve noticed some spelling and formatting mistakes, so that would be the only issue I ran into.