
Blog Post #11

  1. I believe my top 3 hard skills are: Icon Design, Logo Design, and Visual Identity. I believe my top 3 soft skills are: Organization, Decision Making, and Adaptability.
  2. I believe those are my top 3 hard skills because I am confident with my ability to design coherent icons and logos. I put visual identity down because I’m also confident in my ability to creating multiple different icons and graphics in the same family or style. For soft skills I put organization down simple because of how well I manage all my files while designing. I have decision making on the list because in design given multiple options for fonts, colors, ect I feel confident in my choices. Finally I put down adaptability because I practice non destructive design which allows me to go back and change details without starting over.
  3. Two hard skills I would like to work on are: Typography and Motion Graphics. Two soft skills I would like to work on are: Persuasion and Stress Management.
  4. I would like to work on my typography because I think it is a crucial aspect of design that I am quickly realizing I have very little knowledge about. I would like to work on motion design because its another aspect of deign I’m not very knowledgeable on and I think a good grasp on it would open many more job opportunities. I think I should work on my persuasion because although I am confident in many of my designs I feel like I sometimes have a hard time selling them when I have taken a strange approach to them. I also think I should I should work on stress management because I spend a lot of time worrying, and making mountains out of ant hills with certain assignments when I could just be working on them. This would benefit me because I would have more time to experiment and make revisions instead of spending that time getting stressed about the deadline.

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