
Blog Post #14

This week we were visited by Brooke Montgomery, director/creative director at Cut. Cut is a youtube channel that produces videos that are meant to be thought-provoking, promote an open mind, and to pique an audience’s interest by showcasing sincere, genuine reactions to their prompts. For our blog assignment we were asked to watch 5 Cut videos then create an idea based of them that could be recreated at SCCA. My idea for a video would be “Best and Worst things about the SCCA” based on the “Keep it 100” formula. The “Keep it 100” videos ask a simple open ended question and allow for a number of participants to answer in any way they see fit. I think this would be interesting for the SCCA demographic because it is something we could all relate to. The types of people I imagine that would participate in this are an equal mix of visual media and graphic design students, allowing for insight to the other classes. I think a good number of people for this would be anywhere from 15-20 students from each class. This would ensure a wide array of perspectives and opinions.

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