This week we heard from Abdul Kassamili, a filmmaker and film producer from the Seattle area. One of the reoccurring problems he spoke about was things not going according to the plan he had created. He also spoke a lot about the importance of planning even if the plan doesn’t play out exactly has you would have hoped. This same week we were also asked to write a blog post about a project that we had planned out and did not go as we had hoped. This prompt reminded me of the time I also had a project with a solid plan that did not pan out as I anticipated. The project I am referring to was a project given in Jasons class on Illustrator. The task was to create four logos in a similar style centered around a random topic. This normally would not be a difficult assignment but the challenge came from the fact that we had to do it with a partner. I’m not going to name my partner but this person was extremely unresponsive in the beginning stages of the project. We only had a week to complete the assignment and I had finished my sketches on the first day. I messaged them on slack to see how we could incorporate both our design styles and didn’t hear back until the night before the project was due. When they did finally get back to me I had already designed four icons. I told them what size grid and line weight I used in hopes that we could find some kind of coherent style for the icons. They said they understood but when it came time to present they had completely ignored the perimeters. I adapted to this situation by accepting it and saying nothing although I turned in the four I had created to Jason.