Personal Projects


Create a brand for a fictional business that I came up with for an exercise in Ben’s New Media module. Probiotic Neon Harpy is half gay nightclub, half health club, and all vibes. The concept for this personal project is to create branding, collateral, a website, and maybe some ideas for merch and environmental/wayfinding for this off-the-wall concept.

Why This Project

I have no idea if this would be a good addition to my portfolio, but I picked this project off the list because it’s purely personal. I think this would be a fun way to explore some of the concepts I’m learning in school. I’d be especially interested in branding and logo design, and creating a website. Currently web design is the class I’m having the hardest time in, partially because I struggle to wrap my mind around some of the concepts and partially because I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well. I have a hunch that assigning myself something zany and fun, something I really feel excited about making, might help me remember the more serious stuff.


Full Idea List

  1. Bean Zine: an illustrated zine about my cat, Bean, where each facing page spread has rhyming word pairs after her name—for example, “Bean Leap/Bean Peep”
  2. Bathroom sign photobook: definitely taking big inspiration from Andrew’s Internet book. Printing in riso would be cool.
  3. Improved flower wall: I have a photo backdrop I constructed out of a sheet, PVC pipe, tissue flower papers that I made, and artificial flowers I bought at Goodwill. It’s not easy to store, though, and wasn’t well put together. Revamp the wall with better eye for design, construction, and usability.
  4. Risograph print of intertidal species
  5. Miniature diorama of a strange alley scene that could be stored in a bookshelf.
  6. Design a brand identity for a fake business I came up with in Ben’s new media class: Probiotic Neon Harpy, a gay nightclub/health club with an 80s/neon/botanical/maximalist aesthetic.
  7. Graphic novel about the life of Apsley Cherry-Garrard.
  8. An advent-style calendar that you can use for any month to give yourself treats.
  9. A Halloween party with retro decorations based on Victorian era Halloween aesthetics. Design and build an environment and send out elaborate printed invitations.
  10. Adapt a zine idea into a website—an online zine that is interactive and uses modern web design. Expanded illustrated guide to some interesting tide pool animals?

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