
Blog Post – Hockey Jersey

For this blog post I decided to design a jersey for Green Night. I chose the orca whale as a symbol of the importance of legislation and public action to mitigate climate change.


Blog Post – Mural

For this week’s blog post, I was inspired by Angelica’s talk to create a mural in the hallway space provided. I drew inspiration from my mom, and from her love for gardening. I was lucky enough to get to enjoy her beautiful garden growing up, and to enjoy a space where I could forge a love for nature and the outdoors. It was also significant as a gathering space for family and friends, and has always been a way that I connect with my mom. I think that a garden is a perfect way to symbolize someone who has been so generous, nurturing and resilient. I chose to include dahlias, my mom’s favorite flowers, in the mural.


Blog Post – food truck design

For this project I made a food truck wrap design for one of my favorite Thai restaurants in the University District. Araya’s Place is a vegetarian Thai restaurant that has delicious food with lots of fresh ingredients. Because so much of the menu is vegetarian it also has great vegan options and lots of options for people with food sensitivities. I think that its’ location in the U District, and the relatively quick cooking time of a lot of Thai cuisine means that the restaurant could transition into a food truck. For the food truck wrap I decided to highlight the fresh and colorful quality of Araya’s food and ingredients. I believe that this design is also something that could be appealing to college students who might frequent a food truck if it was on campus.


Blog Post – Blender Project Review

This project was challenging, but ultimately fun and rewarding, and I am proud of how my group’s project turned out. The initial brainstorming was a little challenging, because we had a hard time getting all of the ingredients for our video to fit together, and we had to go back and forth several times with faculty to get to a place where our idea could be approved. I’m glad that we were able to get to that place though and that the final product felt like it had something to say, and wasn’t just combining the different elements for the sake of finishing the project. It was also interesting to learn more about the process of filming and editing a short video, something that I am not very familiar with. While I’m grateful for the opportunity to experience more of this process, I did also feel that it put quite a bit of pressure on our Visual Media student. As a design student, I knew that my skills wouldn’t be as valuable in this project beyond brainstorming and acting/behind the scenes, but I also didn’t want to make anyone sacrifice the quality of the final product just so I could help out more in the filming and editing process. 

This was a fun process, and it was cool to get to work with people who I haven’t before. It was especially fun to film the final video, and I had a good time throwing lots of pancakes on our shoot day. I was also really impressed by the creativity and quality of everyone’s work. It was a lot of work to put all the videos together, but it was very rewarding to get to see everyone’s hard work in the end.