Blog Post #6

How will I will be a disruptor working in Graphic Design?

The journey to deciding to pursue Graphic Design did not come quickly or easily. After continually struggling working as a public school teacher for 6 years, I knew I needed to make a change. I have always loved serving and helping people. This quality that led me to teaching also pushed me towards Graphic Design. Instead of helping my students as a classroom teacher, I imagined another life where I could help businesses and organizations by creating things that they needed.

I’ve started to think more about who exactly, I want to help as a designer. I think that the clientele will be varied and will change throughout my life. I do have personal moral and ethical standards that will dictate who I work for and what I feel happy to design. I care that the companies or businesses that I work with have a mission that is inclusive and important. I would prefer to work with businesses who have published statements regarding equity and inclusivity that are tenants their staff keep in mind when creating the products that are to be sold. I would prefer to work with businesses that have a pulse of the positive and potential negative impacts the business has on the world and who seem to be a force for good. I know that I probably won’t be able to work with businesses that always meet all of these requirements, but I appreciate that I as a designer I will be a part of conversations that may spark new ideas and change.

Parts of my identity that I will be bringing into my designs are being queer, having worked with many students from numerous diverse backgrounds, my belief in constant improvement and progress, my care for social justice issues, and my learning and personal experiences with psychology and mental health. My love and care for people and meaningful relationships will likely translate to deep and meaningful conversations with my clients. Designing with empathy is going to be key for me.

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