Our focus for this assignment was thrift and consignment stores. I chose Big Whale Consignment, located just a couple of blocks away from my apartment. My partners for this project, Walker and Ellery, selected Crossroads in Capitol Hill and Red Light Vintage in the University District. I was excited about our choices because I enjoy thrifting and had yet to explore Big Whale Consignment, making it a compelling reason to finally pay it a visit.

To start our project, we collaborated on a shared Figma file, where each of us contributed three slides focusing on our thrift stores. We decided that the first slide would provide information about the inventory, the second would showcase images, and the third would highlight the store’s amenities. In my section, I created a GIF by compiling an image sequence from screenshots of my Figma file. I used the Eyejack program, which automatically generated the GIF for me. The assets utilized for this project include vector graphics (the whale), JPG images, and the GIF.